Chapter 12

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About a week later she knows it's done. Her powers are gone. To be honest she's a bit sad. She got used to secretly heating things up or cooling down Tony's coffee out of fun. But now she has her 'normal' life back. She wanders down the hall, deep in her own thoughts as suddenly a hand lands on her shoulder. She shrieks, nearly jumps up and jerks away. Her back hits the wall beside her, and she places a hand over her heart in shock. "Jesus. Bucky!"

"Sorry. I called you a few times. You're okay?"

"Yeah." She lets out a heavy breath and nods. "Yeah. Just in thoughts."

"Care to share?"

"No, thank you. I'm good. What do you want?" She looks up at him as they walk together to the common room. "Nothing. Just saw you walking by."

"And you scare me for nothing?"

"Hey! It's not my fault that you're building your own world around you lately." Y/N nods and mutters something. She knows exactly that she's drawing away from everybody. That will make the goodbye a bit easier. Now that everything settled down, and she doesn't have her powers anymore there's no reason to stay. HYDRA hasn't shown any more interest in her and even the news haven't brought her up since Tony talked to the press. And the others see it like that, too. At least she thinks they do. Neither of them brought it up exactly but the feeling was there. She thought they drop hints by saying things like 'back in your home', 'when you live alone' or 'when you live in town again'. That has to mean that they want her to leave, doesn't it?

She shakes her head to get the dark thought of living alone again out of her head and smiles up at Bucky as they reach the common room. They step in together and are greeted with the sight of their life. Steve is running around and Sam chases him while shouting out to kill him if he eats all his pop tarts. Nat and Clint are playing Mario cart and yell at each other. Again. Tony just sits at the kitchen counter with an annoyed expression, coffee in one hand. Wanda and Vision talk quietly in a corner at one of the large windows while Bruce makes himself a sandwich beside Tony. "What the hell?" Bucky looks around and Y/N sees that he wears the same expression of confusion like she probably does. "Guys? Hello!" Bucky calls but is ignored by everybody. "Guys!" Y/N shouts, too but gets the same reaction. "If all the kids don't sit down and shut their mouths then there will be no pie at lunch!" She shouts again and this time a bit louder. To her satisfaction she's heard by Steve, Sam, Clint and Nat. Steve and Sam quickly jump on the couch and look as innocent as they can be while Clint just shuts off the game and looks at Y/N with a bored expression. Y/N can hear Tony sigh and mutter a 'Fucking thank you': She turns to Bucky with a smile. "Well, there you go." Bucky scoffs and shakes his head before he walks over to the couch where Steve and Sam are sitting. He hits Steve at the back of his head and glares at Sam before he squeezes himself between the two, so that they have to scoot and make place for him, poking his butt in Sam's face at this chance. "I heard pie?" Nat looks up from the floor and smiles at her. "Only if you behave. Seriously, you all want to be adults?"


"Well, yeah." They all mutter and hum, nodding their heads or shrugging their shoulders. Y/N rolls her eyes and shakes her head before she walks over to Tony. He jumps down from the counter and makes room for her to get to the kettle. "How are things doing?"

"Good. I think it's over though."

"No more frozen coffee?"


"Finally." He sighs and earns himself a raised eyebrow from Y/N. "Come on. It was seriously annoying."

"I had fun."

"Me, too." Steve calls form the couch. "Shut up, spangles."

"I'm sad though. I got used to it by now. I was still afraid to hurt someone but things didn't take as much time as they normally do." Bruce nods in understanding and bites into his sandwich. "You know, we can work on getting them back."

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