Chapter 6

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Everything is unfamiliar and to get settled will take Y/N a lot of time. She has stuffed all her clothes into her closet yesterday and is too tired to do anything else, so she goes to bed early, after Steve has set it up properly. This morning Bucky had made breakfast for her, which is surprisingly good. "Y/N?" She looks up from her last box of things she has to pack away to find Steve in her doorway. "Hey. What's up?" She smiles up at him as she slowly shuffles out of her crouch to sit fully on the ground, stretching her legs out. Steve looks at her for a moment, a dreamy expression on his face before he shakes his head to clear his thoughts. His face switches into one filled with guilt. He shuffles a bit uncomfortable in the doorway until Y/N raises an eyebrow at him and motions for him to come in and sit with her. She watches as he sits down in front of her, peeking into the box with her albums and CD's before looking at her. "What is it, Steve?"

"I have bad news." He's silent for a second before he sighs. "I hate this."

"What is it? You're scaring me a bit." She rubs her hands against each other. "Sorry." Steve rubs the back of his head before his eyes lock on her. "We have to leave." Y/N opens her mouth to say something but closes it again. She studies his face for a second before speaking up. "With we you mean... you and Bucky, don't you?" Steve nods. "Tony told us something about a HYDRA base establishing not far away from New York. If that are the same people who are responsible for breaking into your old apartment then we have to get rid of it more quickly than if they're not. Not that we want you to leave of course." He waves his hands as he sees Y/N's face fall. "I didn't mean it like that. But they know of you and if they are nearby there is no possibility for you to be safe if you leave the compound." She nods and looks down at her hands, legs crossing again. A shadow appears in the doorway, and she sees Bucky come up to them. She hears him huff out a breath as he falls down to sit next to Steve. She even things that she sees him kiss Steve on the cheek for a moment. She nods again before looking directly at Steve. "How long?" As she gets no answer from him, she looks at Bucky. He shrugs under her gaze. "A couple of days probably."

"It's just that I don- We don't like to leave you alone while you're still new to all of this." He corrects himself as Bucky nudges him and motions through the room. "A week." Both pairs of eyes settle on her. "What?" Steve cocks his head to the side while Bucky just stares confused at her. "I give you a week." Bucky and Steve stare at each other before Steve starts to speak but shuts up immediately as Y/N goes on further. "After that I would appreciate it if at least one of you comes back, so that I don't have to learn everything by myself. Besides, what am I doing with all the cooked things I usually make, if nobody is here to eat it, so that we don't have leftovers for the next day when I'm too tired to cook and two whiny men sit in the living room and demand food?" Bucky nods and let out a laugh. He takes her hand in his flesh one and squeezes it lightly. "Sure thing. A week. But I want apple pie when we get back. Got it, doll?" They both blush a bit at that word but neither of them says anything.

* * *

A week and a half later Y/N stands on the landing platform, waiting for the jet and her best friends to arrive. They couldn't keep their promise to come back after a week but at this moment she doesn't care. Nervous marching up and down, she mutters to herself. The familiar sound reaches her ears and she looks up. The black plane comes in eyesight and a smile spreads over her face. "Finally." She frowns a bit as the back of the jet opens but nobody comes jumping out like they normally do. A bit of a worry starts to climb in her gut. As the plane lands she takes slow steps to it. First, she sees Nat and Tony, then Sam and Steve. She's about to call out for them, but then she sees their hurried steps and worried expression. Doors fly open behind her, letting her twitch back. She turns around and watches as a handful of medics run up to the jet. Seconds later they run back inside, Steve hurrying behind them, not noticing her, but a small glimpse on the stretcher makes her know why. Bucky lies on it, pale, covered in blood and obviously not conscious. Probably for his best.

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