"How could this happen? I thought you stayed back to watch over her!" Steve looks back at his boyfriend but doesn't say anything. "She wanted to go alone. I told Happy to follow her and he did. But he lost her somewhere around the lake."

"Stark, I swear. If anything-"

"I get it. You'll rip my ass open. Fine! But I'm blaming myself enough already."

"Stop it!" Natasha steps between them and glares at Bucky. "We need to find her before something serious happens to her." Bucky looks at her before he stomps back to lean at a far-off wall. Steve watches him but says nothing. He turns back to Tony again. "Any idea where to find her?" Tony sighs and strokes through his hair. "I thought it back and forth but I can't come up with anything. FRIDAY searches for empty and abandoned buildings that are possible for HYDRA to stay at."

"This was a trap. This whole base thing was a trap just to get to her somehow." Sam turns around and punches at the wall before he turns back and looks around. "Why Y/N?"

"She's not special. I mean she has no powers." Clint steps away from Bucky who glares at him as Natasha sits down on the backrest of the sofa beside her and starts to talk. "But she's familiar with all of us, and she's living here. You don't need to be an assassin to know that you capture someone dear to your target to get to it."

"But who do they want?" Steve looks lost at her and she shrugs. "Boss. I got some buildings located."

"How many?"


"Too many. Can you exclude some? Search for big buildings with more floors. Cellars. Something like that." Tony starts pacing once again. "That leaves three buildings."

"Any indication for humans?"

"In two of them."

"Shit." Tony kicks against a chair. "Suit up, Tony." Tony's head snaps up at Steve's words. "Two is still better than three. We're enough people. You, Bucky and I get to one, Nat, Sam and Clint take the other one. Its quicker. Wanda, Vision and Bruce stay here, just in case something comes through which we need to know." Tony stares for a second, then he nods and presses a button on his watch. A whirring sounds through the room and in mere seconds the pieces of his suit come flying in.

* * *

"Nat, we reached the building."

"We need two more minutes. I don't see any trucks or people."

"Here are many of them." Steve looks at the trucks which are in front of the building they want to go in. "Should we come to you?"

"No. Look around. If you don't find anything then come to us." He looks back at Bucky and Tony and nods. The two other men nod back after hearing what Nat had said. "Let's get her out of here."

"We have to be quick." Tony scans the area and curses. "There are a lot of people here."

"Buck, can you get in unnoticed and snoop around?"

"Sure." The brunette nods and crouches out of their hide out. Steve observes as his lover runs over the open place. He searches a few windows before he slips though one into the building. Nervously he stares at the spot Bucky just slipped in and shuffled around. A hand lays on his shoulder and he turns around. "We get her. Are you planning on telling her then?"

"We... we haven't talk about it yet. I don't plan on waiting to long. I did it once." Tony nods before standing up. The helmet covers his face as he looks around. "Better get moving, Cap."

"Try to secure the west and north side of the building. There are the doors that can get dangerous for us." Steve nods to Tony as the billionaire speeds into the air, then he grabs his shield and runs after Bucky. It takes him just a few seconds to look at his surroundings. He's in a storage room. Slowly he opens the door. A few agents lie on the floor, most of them unconscious. He steps over them and runs down the hall, before stumbling right into the fight. Bucky is on the other end of the large room, fighting against six agents. Four more notice Steve and come running at him, shooting wildly. Steve throws his shield at one of them which knocks him right into the head. The man falls down motionless. "Buck! Did you find something?" He twitches and groans as a bullet grazes his right thigh. "Not yet. But she's here somewhere." Bucky has some blood in his face, though Steve can't tell if it's his own or not. Steve nods before he punches another man in the face and uses him as shield against the other two who violently try to shoot him, instead they hit their colleague. Steve lets the body fall, scoops up his shield and throws it once more. It hits the wall before knocking both men down to the ground. With a quick motion Steve hits the shield into their faces and both are unconscious. "Cap! They're are coming more! Romanov and the other are on their way. They're here in about ten minutes!"

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