Dead Eyes- Luke

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POV: Y/n

I walked down the sidewalk, looking around rapidly at your dark surroundings. You could never trust the dark, especially since the outbreak. The world had became a dark and scary place where heartless creatures lived now.

'Vampires' as everyone termed it. A 'medical' emergency struck a few people causing them to become murderous, dead-eyed monster. It spread across the state and most towns were able to stop the breach or fled to other towns that were protected from the bloodthirsty animals.

But not here. Not in this town. It was the place where the outbreak happened in the first place. It spread too quickly here. Too quick to be helped by the other towns. It took almost everyone, transforming them into the 'vampires'. Very few humans, 'Pures' as we're termed are around.

Food and supplies are dropped off at the border from neighboring towns. We're not allowed to leave. Not even the 'Pures' can leave because of the fear that we carry the outbreak too.

I now live alone. The virus took most of the family and most of the friends I had to comfort me. I'd always seen to have a knack for not contracting diseases but others not so much. If you were caught with the virus, you were taken to be killed. Even if part of you was still somewhat human.

So now here I am walking home from the library, which had no purpose for learning or books. Just for food and supplies. I had the jacket that my friend gave me during my last year in high school. It was my favorite. He was gone now. The virus had gotten to him.

I approach my empty home, opening the door. I place the food down on the table and walk over to the couch. I used to live with some friends but they were able to flee to another town before the outbreak got too bad.

I turn on the t.v and watch as some random channel plays. I never watch the news. The news is usually sad and often old information as we have been cut off from the world. You're more likely to find out details sooner by asking a person than watching the news.

I don't pay too much attention to the show, I just play it for comfort and some slight happiness. The sun never seemed to shine here as if we were cursed. Vamps still roamed the street, in the darkest of corners watching, waiting for there next victim. It's sad to see humanity come to this.

A knock echos through the door. I perk my head up. Most 'pures' are in their homes at this hour of the night. I tiptoe over to the door and open it.

"Hello?" I call out in a small voice.

"Is this the resident of Y/N L/N"
A man asks.

He's wearing a sweater with the hood up covering his face.

"Yes. May I ask who's wondering?"

The man takes off his hood revealing himself to me.

"Luke?" I gasp in shock. "You- you died. You're supposed to be dead. You had the virus, I saw them take you away years ago." I start saying, tears building up in my eyes.

"I managed to escape through looking at how this place is now it may have been better that I died." He replies with a pitiful look on his face.

"Luke- I" I start, tears beginning to spill. Luke was my best friend. The day I thought he'd died, I had lost hope. My last source of happiness had died out and I saw no point in living.

"Shh no no Y/n, don't cry." He tries to put his arms around me but I back away.

"Luke I'm sorry. But you- you're one of them. You're a-"

"A vamp now?" I nod, more tears fall.

A moment of silence happens between us too.

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