Chaeyoung often had moments like this where all her insecurities would bubble up and give her an anxiety attack. This was the result of Chaeyoung being born into a family of singers and actors aside from businessmen. From the moment Chaeyoung was conceived in her mother's womb, the media has been following her. Korea's Golden Girl, born and groomed to be her family's gem. She has been trained and born with the talent to sing, dance, act and play instruments. When she was a child, the media wasn't that noticeable but when she turned into a teenager they started being much more aggressive in following the girl's activities. Park Chaeyoung has been under a microscope her whole life. She has to be perfect and she has to be flawless. All. The. Time.

Chaeyoung noticed her hands started trembling slightly and she clasped them together in order to stop it. Her heart beat started picking up and she was sure she's going to start hyperventilating in a couple of seconds if she can't suppress this. In a few seconds, her chest started hurting and she felt like it was giving her some sort of a choking sensation that made it harder for her to breathe.

Hearing the younger girl's ragged breathing, Jennie turned in her seat and faced her fiancé. Her eyes widened and she realized what's happening. It's not the first time Jennie's seen this.

Fuck she's having an anxiety attack

She immediately pulled Chaeyoung's chair so that she's directly in front of the girl. Jennie had her knees spread out to pull Chaeyoung's chair closer to her making Chaeyoung's knees rest between Jennie's separate ones. Chaeyoung was now hyperventilating and had her eyes shut closed. The younger girl's hands clasped tightly together and was being lightly pounded against her own chest in an effort to stop her chest from hurting.

Jennie has seen this multiple times but each time still scares her. She hates seeing Chaeyoung in pain.

Jennie gently pried Chaeyoung's clasped hands and held them in hers. She started drawing calming circles on both the younger girl's hands using her own. She could feel her palms trembling. Jennie scooted closer to Chaeyoung and rested her forehead against the younger girl's damp one gently. She lifted the younger girl's right hand and placed it on her chest above her heart. She placed her left hand above Chaeyoung's right one that was pressed against her heart to make sure it stayed there.

"Chae, I know you can hear me. Listen to me, okay? I'm here with you. I want you to feel my heart beat okay Chaengie?" Jennie whispered gently against Chaeyoung's lips that was inches away from hers since their foreheads were pressed against each other.

The older girl felt a slight nod from Chaeyoung and she sighed in momentary relief that at least the hyperventilating girl was responsive to a degree.

"I'm going to breathe and I want you to follow me. Can you do that for me, Chae?" Jennie felt a slight nod again and the older girl began to breathe deeply and steadily in hopes of the younger girl following suit.

Jennie was drawing calming circles still on Chaeyoung's hands and she was noticing the trembling lessening.

Chaeyoung's breathing started to calm down after a minute and a half. The girls were still in the same position and Jennie was relieved that the younger girl was starting to calm down a bit. After several minutes, Chaeyoung opened her eyes slowly and she gazed into Jennie's brown orbs that were staring back at here with the same loving intensity. They were close enough to see the details in each other's eyes since their foreheads were against each other.

Chaeyoung's thumb on her right hand that was still pressed against Jennie's heart started to move back and forth against the older girl's chest in an attempt to caress the older girl's heart in gratitude for pulling her out of another anxiety attack.

Time and time again, Jennie never fails to prove that she is and always will be Chaeyoung's solace.

Chaeyoung noticing how uncomfortable Jennie's position must be and wanting to be closer to the older girl, she slowly wrapped her arms around Jennie's neck and straddled her thighs. Chaeyoung was now fully on top of Jennie, she was sitting on the older girl's lap and her right hand was placed at the back of Jennie's neck her fingers between her hair and caressing her scalp.

Their foreheads were still leaning against each other and both girls can't seem to stop gazing into each other's eyes.

Jennie wrapped her arms around the younger girl's waist and gently pulled her closer to her torso completely eliminating any space between their bodies.

Jennie wanted to just say it. She wanted to say those three words to the girl but her heart was beating so hard that she could hardly think if this is the right time and situation or not. It's getting harder and harder for her to control herself around the girl and each day that passes just makes it hard for her to conceal her feelings.

She didn't want to scare her away. She valued their friendship too much and the thought of getting rejected by Chaeyoung and potentially breaking their friendship just scared her to no end. She can settle with having the girl as a friend rather than not having her at all.

A few minutes later, her senses just left her altogether when Chaeyoung's fingers that was lightly massaging her scalp lightly tugged at her hair making Jennie purr against the younger girl's lips. Jennie unwrapped her arms around Chaeyoung and started to run her hands up and down Chaeyoung's sides to reciprocate the girl's ministrations.

Jennie rubbed the tip of her nose against Chaeyoung's and moved her head from side to side in order to nuzzle their noses against each other. Chaeyoung smiled at this and released a happy sigh.

"How are you feeling?" Jennie whispered against the girl's lips gently as to not ruin the mood around them.

Chaeyoung placed a grateful kiss against Jennie's cheek and leaned her forehead back against the older girl's before whispering back "A lot better actually. Thank you again."

"Do you want to talk about it? What caused it?" Jennie looked at the girl in concern. She really would like to know what triggered it this time. She wanted to shield Chaeyoung from it if she could.

I'm scared of the possibility of someone taking you away from me.

"Maybe later?" and Jennie nodded in agreement with Chaeyoung's wish. She let Chaeyoung hide her face in the crook of her neck and lean her weight on the older girl.

Jennie wrapped the girl in her arms and hoped she could at least eliminate the reason that caused her anxiety attack.

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