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a/n: kinda a filler, but new relevant character has joined the party.

hop onto the confused emotions train, because that's what the next few chapters will be :)


"levi.. you have to get out of bed soon." hange said from levi's doorway. "moping around won't do anything, and you know that."

she heard a groan from the lump that laid on the queen sized bed. small, gray eyes peeked at her with a glare before cowering under the covers. "no."

"you really think laying in bed is good for you?"

levi shifted his position and snorted. "no."

"then why're you doing it?"

the raven fully sat up. "there's nothing else to do."

hange stared at the short male, flabbergasted. "you've got to be kidding me."

it had been another week since the incident with eren. day after day, levi would check to see if eren was at the bar, but alas, he wasn't. after day five, he gave up. eren didn't like him anymore, eren left him alone, eren this, eren that.

but what did he expect after ignoring the poor alpha, waiting for the omega?

"get up." hange said, walking over to levi's window, pulling the shades open.

"what're you doing?" levi winced, throwing the covers back over his head.

"we're having a spa day. i don't care what you say. you're going." the beta walked over to the omega's drawers, picking out, what some would say, a stylish outfit. "where's your phone?" the raven pointed at the wall on the opposite side of the room. it was dented and a cracked phone laid below it.

"really?" hange asked, picking up the phone. levi huffed. "you kept calling. learn from erwin and catch a hint."

"catch a hint? from that idiot? no thanks."

"what even happened between you two?" the omega sat up again, staring at hange. "you guys were close and now you're not."

"nothing happened. he started being moody, so i stopped giving him attention." it was hange's turn to huff and pout. "he thought it was my job to smother him with attention."

"really?" levi asked, amused. he raised an eyebrow. "i think he expects you to be a regular beta."

"of course he does!" the brunette cursed. "and you expect eren to be a regular alpha!"

"hey now," levi started. "don't change the subject on me."

hange groaned, dropping to the ground. "i don't know what his problem is."

"i think.." levi said, pretending to think. "..he liked you. a lot."

the beta shot up. "no way in hell!" she yelped. "he has armin!"

"are you still blind with those shitty glasses?" levi pinched the bridge of his nose. "i think he was even in love with you."

"did you hit your head?!"

"did you?"



"whatever! get ready!"

levi laughed, catching the clothes hange chucked at him.


"hange, i really don't need a new phone." levi pleaded, looking at the numerous iphones on display. "i don't even have the money for that."

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