Sexting. What could go Wrong?

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Rey woke early the next morning to the feeling of Ben running a finger slowly up and down her spine. She smiled with her eyes still closed and stretched out her arms like a contented cat. She turned to look at him over her shoulder,

'Morning.' She said sleepily.

'Morning.' He smiled at her.

'What time is it?'

'Just after six.'

'Shit!' Rey jumped out of bed and started to search for her clothing.

'Why are you in such a hurry?' Ben asked propping himself up on one arm and watching her with amusement.

'I have to get home before mum. If she knows I spent the night here she'll sit me down and make me listen to another one of her 'no one wants to buy the cow when you give away the milk for free' speeches.'

Ben laughed, 'Okay. I'll give you a ride.'

'Thank you.' She said gratefully.

She collected up her clothes and watched Ben get out of his side of the bed. Wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. Facing the window, he stretched and she let her eyes wander over him from head to foot.

'What time do you have to go?' She asked mournfully.

'We're setting off soon. Poe has a lunch thing.'

'Oh,' She said not bothering to mask her disappointment.

'Hey,' He said coming towards her and putting his hands on her shoulders, 'I'll be back at the weekend okay? And until then we can text or Skype or use smoke signals, or whatever it is you kids are into these days.'

Rey laughed, 'Okay.'

He kissed her gently, 'Get dressed. We leave in five.'

She nodded. After putting back on her walk of shame dress and heels she winced at herself in the mirror. No way would the receptionist believe she wasn't a prostitute now. Hell, she was having a hard time believing it herself.

'What's up with you?' Ben said pulling on a pair of well worn Levi's.

'I'm such a mess!' Rey said holding her hands out to her sides.

'No you're not. You're beautiful.'

'Urgh, I feel so exposed now.' She said folding her arms over her chest.

'I have a jacket on the chair over there, take it.' Ben said.

'I can't do that.'

'Yes you can, it's simple. Just walk over there pick up the jacket and put it on.'

Rey pulled a face at him then walked across the room towards the jacket. She put it on. It was way too big for her, but that didn't matter because it had a hidden feature.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. 'Mmmm.'


'Smells like you.' She said with a smile.

Ben smirked at her and pulled a white tee over his head one handed. He grabbed his keys off the bedside table.

'Come on. Let's get you home.'

In the elevator Ben crowded her up against the wall, putting one hand on her face and kissing her lips gently.

'I wish you didn't have to go.' She said when he pulled away.

'I know.'

'How important is a job and a steady income anyway?' She joked.

'Steadily moving down my priorities list.' Ben replied giving her a loaded look. He took her hand as they left the hotel and held it until they reached the car.

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