Lying Can Be Fun

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Rey swiveled in her desk chair, just 1,000 more words to go. She could do this. Easy peasy. Right. Focus. She re-read her last sentence,

'Hester is forced to wear a red 'A' on her clothing to identify herself as an adulterer. The novel forces us to question our own attitudes towards adultery and morality in general. For example, can right and wrong always be defined in black and white terms? Or should we consider the ambiguous gray divide that offers us an alternative explanation for the actions of others?'

That looked okay....urgh could she just write 'I'm bored' 500 times and hand it in?

The sun streamed through her window and she pouted longingly. Why was she stuck inside on a beautiful day like this?

Because you have to finish this essay, stop procrastinating!

Knock knock knock.

Hurray! A reason to procrastinate! ha ha! Suck it brain!

Rey turned in her chair, "Come in!"

"Hi hunny." Rey's mother entered the room looking as beautiful as ever with her carefully set brunette locks swaying gently as she beamed at Rey. Rey sighed. She had long since given up hope of ever being considered the 'pretty' one in the family. Nope. That mantle would always go to her MILF of a mother, Qi'ra. Even her bloody name was cool. She didn't really mind. She couldn't love her mother more if she tried. She just wished she would stop stealing her clothes and stretching out her vest tops- it really put a dent in her confidence when she tried to wear it later and found herself severely lacking in the chest area.

"Uh oh, you've got that look in your eye."

"What look?" Her mother asked innocently, with her hands suspiciously behind her back.

"The look that says 'I have something to tell you that you don't want to hear but I'm going to tell you anyway.'"

"Okay, I do have that look." Her mother pulled out a pile of university brochures from behind her back.

"Surprise!" She sung cheerfully.

Rey put her head in her hands,

"Mom, we discussed this. I don't want to go to university yet. I want to travel first...see the world....find myself....."

Her mother reached forward and pinched her arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"There, I found you. Now look at these brochures."

Rey rolled her eyes and held out her hand. It was easier just to agree. She could always just throw them in the bin once her mom left.

"Just promise me you'll at least look at them?"


Her mom smiled, "Right. I'm off to work. Be good. No parties."

Rey rolled her eyes. As daughters go, she wasn't exactly the rebellious type. Basically her life was, what was the word? Oh yes, boring with a capital 'B.'

"Okay, I'll see you later mom."

Rey tried to return to her essay, but now there was a pile of university brochures she didn't want to look at catching her eye. She should really have a little look.....just in case her mom asked any questions. Definitely not because she didn't want to finish her essay. She began flicking through the brochures: looking at pictures of old campuses, new campuses, basketball courts, swimming pools, and happy, happy students enjoying their uni experiences.

Maybe uni isn't so bad, at least these guys seemed to be having fun. Except for this guy. Woah! Who is that?

On page 21 of the UCL prospectus, was a picture of a huge hunk of brooding man candy leaning up against a wall with his sizable arms folded across his enormous chest, his head turned to the right and his chin length dark hair fanned out across his pale cheek. Rey's eyes wandered over the image. Apart from his very attractive packaging, Rey noted he looked completely out of place and, quite frankly, rather pissed off. Rey wondered why on Earth they would choose to use his sulky ass in a catalogue that was supposed to persuade you to want to go their institution?

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