Chapter 14: Spotted

Começar do início

"Do it, Deku!" Katsuki shouted.

The vampire let out a pained cried as she was knock out by a kick to the side of her head. If she was a normal human, this kick probably would have tear her head off from her neck easily.

Human or not, Kirishima finds it a little horrifying to see Izuku knocking someone out like that. He certainly hope that this isn't Katsuki's influence. While Katsuki may be fun to hang out with, one hot headed angry blond is more than enough. Or maybe, the reason why Izuku didn't hesitate to kick someone in the head is because his instinct made him view that female vampire as an enemy that need to be taken out? Hm... how the vampire's instinct works seems to be really complicated.

Izuku look around, hoping to find the person who spoke up just now. He finds it weird that the enemy suddenly stop moving. But he couldn't sense any other presences aside for him, Katsuki, Kirishima and the unconscious vampire.

"The enemy has been defeated. Kirishima, hurry up and take Deku away before the other hunters arrival." Katsuki said. Thankfully, Kirishima caught on what Katsuki's means by those words and nodded in understanding.

Placing both hands on Izuku's shoulder, Kirishima smiled as he tried to lead the vampire away from the park. "Come on, Midoriya. It's late and you did a good job in defeating this vampire. You should rest now, it's going to be really bad if you got hungry from all that fighting."

"Eh? But what about Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"He's going to wait for the other hunters to arrival. It's like clearing up the mess and erasing the evidence that vampires has been here." Kirishima replied.

"Oh, I see."

Izuku gives Katsuki a quick glance. For some reason, the serious look and the lack of shout from Katsuki is making Izuku feel unease. Katsuki must be thinking about something and Izuku can only hope that it's nothing too serious. Izuku follows Kirishima as they left the park. After a few steps, Izuku tensed when he sensed that someone is watching them. Is he... overthinking about it?


Katsuki's experience was unreadable as he approach the unconscious vampire. He loaded the bullets into his gun and wait for the time to pass. After he saw how Izuku react to the smell and sound around him, Katsuki was more or less able to make a guess on how near the nerd need to be in order for him to smell or hear something. Based on the distance and the time it will take for Izuku to get back, it should be around 10 to 12 minutes.

Once Katsuki thought that Izuku's probably far enough, he pointed his gun at the vampire. With a blank expression, he pull the trigger and put a bullet through her head.


A bright pool of red surrounded the dead vampire's head. This isn't the first time Katsuki has killed a vampire and this won't be the last. This is his job as a vampire hunter and he was thankful that Kirishima brought Izuku back first. Because Katsuki doesn't want Izuku to witness him taking a vampire's life like it was a nature thing to do.


Katsuki froze when he heard Izuku's voice. He slowly look over his shoulder and Izuku was standing right there, watching him with those big green eyes. Why is he here? What is Kirishima doing?

When Kirishima was bringing Izuku back home, he was unable to shake off the feeling that they are being watched. Worried about Katsuki, Izuku ran back to the park at his fastest speed and he froze when he heard a gunshot, followed by the smell of blood. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Katsuki actually killed a vampire without any hesitation.

"K-Kacchan, you... k-killed her?" Izuku strutted as he stares at the scene in horror.

Katsuki looked away and stare at the ground. "Yeah."

"Why...? There's no need for you to-"

"She's a vampire that has killed many people. There's no way I can let her live."

"But still..."

"Did you forgot what my fucking job is? It's my job to kill vampires like her. Even if you were to give her a second chance, she'll definitely throw it away into the fucking dustbin. That's how most vampires are and it's a fucking waste to pity them."

Izuku was unable to make a retort. He knew that when he found out that Katsuki is a vampire hunter. Izuku knows that this is Katsuki's job and killing vampires is probably something that he does very often. But still, to witness his childhood friend ending a life so easily just like that... he doesn't like that.

If Izuku were to attack people... will Katsuki kill him too?

He wanted to ask Katsuki that question but he's afraid of finding out the truth. Izuku felt a stab in his heart at the thought of his crush looking at him coldly and treating him like a monster that need to be eliminate. If Katsuki were to kill him like that without feeling anything and then move on with his life like there was nothing wrong... if Katsuki were to kill him and then forget all about him the next day...

Izuku can be sure that his heart won't be able to take it. It painful and it seriously hurts.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima ran back into the park and one look is all it takes for him to have a guess on what just happened. Damn, if only he manage to stop Izuku from running back here, he could have avoid all of these mess. Nobody would want their friend to see them killing another being. Without a word, Izuku turn around and begin to walk away. When Izuku passed by Kirishima, he saw how the fledgling vampire has the look of pain and sadness in his eyes. It's very obvious that Izuku's not taking it well. "Hey, Midoriya-"

"Sorry Kirishima-kun... you don't have to see me back anymore. I can go back on my own..." Izuku whispered softly.

"Are you sure about that?"

Izuku didn't reply this time. Instead, he continue to walk without turning back to give them another look. Kirishima shifted his gaze to Katsuki, hoping that the bond will say something. Bu sadly, Katsuki remain silent as well.

Kirishima hate to see his friends ignoring each other like this. If possible, he wanted everyone to smile and get along well. He doesn't know what he should do and he hope that things will go back to normal soon.


From the top of a nearby roof, a blond haired teen with blue eyes was watching the scene at the park with a smile. Although he can't hear what the trio are talking about, he certainly saw everything with his binoculars.

He came here because he received a message for backup and it would be a lie if he were to say that he wasn't surprised to see a vampire hanging out with two hunters. On top of that, those two hunters are one of the most famous fighters in their organization. How unexpected it is to see them breaking the rules for the sake of one vampire who helping them to defeat another vampire.

"How strange. A hunter is actually let a vampire wander off. I wonder how I should report this to the higher up." Monoma smiled as he put the binoculars away.


A/N: As usual, I sucks at writing action scene. On a side note, Monoma isn't as nice as Aizawa so I guess it's time that we start to pray for Izuku.

The night is darkest just before dawn (BakuDeku!Vampire AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora