Author's Note

669 17 0

Hello minna!

So I just want to thank you all for voting, commenting, and adding this story to your reading list. I really appreciate it.

I remembered when the signal is very very low so I can't update this story but when the signal got back I opened this and there are so many notifications.

Also actually, I was not going to end this like the ending the last chapter because I was planning a scene where Rin goes back to try and get Obito from the reader but I realized that there would be no time and it would take 10 billion years to finish this book so, Plan cancelled.

But as you can see, this book is now finished which means I can already focus on the other stories like the Kiba x Reader I am working on.

And also, hope you like the new cover!!

But for now, Goodbye and Thank you to all my readers!

Feelings  [MODERN!ObitoxReader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat