"Very interesting. They're quite....cute?" he guessed at Rachel's imporling eyes. There was suddenly a little pain in his ankle and a mewling from below, as the black cat pounced angrily on hims.

"Ow!" Arthur winced and the cat curled around his injuered leg with wide eyes. How could anyone say mad at that??

Rachel looked at the cat with daggers as the cat made his way to the newt babies and gave the closest one a gentle tap with his right forpaw. Arhtur, sensing danger scooped thr cat into his arms, where it nestled and immediately started a rumbling purr that was as deep as Arthur's love for his warlock and reminded Arthur of lightning.

Arthur sighed, ruffling the cat behind his ears and hearded back to his picnic, spending the afternoon fussing the mysterious cat and sneaking him morsels of food. He smiled as he discovered the cat's affliction for roast partridge.

Finally the night began to draw itself in and thr temperature dipped. Rachel's elegant shivers gave Arthur all the excuse he needed to suggest they return to the palace of Northumbria, Rachel ruefully agreeing: regretful to leave her anphiobious friends. As they headed back to the castle, the little cat climbed Arthur up to his shoulder where it perched, nuzzling him in a fuzzy head butt with his head. Arthur chuckles gentle and scritched him again.

"I guess you're mine noe... I hipe Merlin doesn't get too jealous" he whispered to the cat. The cat meowed.

The cat kept his place on Arthurs broad and masculine shoulder as he headed back towards the castle with Princess Rachel.

As the pair entered the gates and made their way through the bustling town the cat began to grow antsy. He mewled and blinked his wide blue eyes, causing Arthur heart to pang in concern. From a pub came loud voices and as two men, pinching eachother burst from the door the cat became spooked and jumped from Arthur's shoulder running and weaving away through the crowd, dodging all the people, lithetuned his atttentions to Pachel and protecting her from the fight taking place and threateneing to overwhelm her.

"Hey! Stop stat!" ARthur placed a hand on each othemans shoulders that were fighting and pulled them apart roughty. They turned to him, angry, but he glared them down.

"Can't you see your lady is present?" The ment turned their attention to Rachel who stood behind him. Rachel rolled her green eyes and placed her hands on her hips, unimpressed as Arthur stood betwixt and betwee her and the brawl.

"There's no need to do that my lord" she said, to Arthur "these are my people, they would not do bring me harm." Arthur opened his mouth to protest, but on seeing the princess the fight stopped immediately and the two drunken lotus stood up and bowed low.

"Your highness it is an honour" said the dirtier of the two gruffly. The other was too starstruck to speak words. Rachel glanced a cross at Arthur and moved her eyebrow in an amused and knowing quirk, a smirk sitting in her rosie cheeks. Arthur blinked a bit embarrassed and with another bow fromthe drunk men they departed, heading back to the castle with a polite bow of goodbye they parted for the night.

As he reeched their room Arthur opened the bedroom door to fine Merlin lying on the double bed panting for breath.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked and Merlin shot up and look at him with wide eyes.

"Uhm, I ran here. From the libary. No point getting out of shape just because we're staying in a castle!" Merlinn said and beamed at his boyfriend, his cheeks pink with excersise. Arthur rose his eyebrow in confusion

"Right...." his soulmate was so weird. But he wouldn't have him any other way.


Uther was sat in a high chair at a long mahogany table picking over the bones of the turkey that had been shot that day, when Ralph walked in. The servant bow low and placed a kiss on Uther's insingia ring.

"My highness, I bring important news, if you'll forgive this instrusion from your evening meal." He said deeply. Uther glowered, but waved for Ralph to continue.

"I have spys, good men, what I trust, placed in all the kingdoms of Albion" he started.

"I am aware of this. Get to the point." Said Uther sternly, the lines around him face deepeing in displeasant. Ralph shuffled, foot to foot to foot.

"Yes, my lord. Well, I have had word from Northumbria that the sorceter whom spelled himself out of Camelot is there." He said. Uther looked interested and stood up from his plate. He swept to the window and gazed out at the dark night's everylasting storm.

"And?" he asked, speaking as if he knew the answer. Ralph swallowed heavily and looked down.

"And, sire. The magician he is with a man who King Aflred believes to be your son: Arthur" he said, fear trembling through his voice, knowing Uther's reaction would be terrifc.

"My son!" Uther bellowed suddenly like a whip, causeing Ralph to flinch and cower as his fast spun around to glare at him with a glower that could shatter glass. "My son is dead!"

"Maybeso" said Ralp "Perhaps he is some poor blacksmith the warlock has enchanted. But we fear they are formenting an army with Alfred's help. They intend to March upon Camelot soon, my lord." He explained.

"Perhaps? Perhaps my son is dead?" Uther asked, scathing. "Perhaps it is just a peasant who means to attack us?" he was fury.

"My good sire....the old man....the Gauis....he knows something. He is in the prison and has told us little so far, but we will make him speak. He knew your son. He would recognise him." Said Ralph revelrndly. Uther's face was stern and grey.

"Find out what he knows. If there is a chance Arthur is alive, he will be separated from this treacheras sorcerer" he spat "who have ensorcelled him and he shall take his rightful place here. Find him and bring him to me!" he barked his demands, sweeping with his long cloak out of the dinning room as he did so, flanked by his guards as the walnut door clattered shut behind him with a slam.

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