Busy V-Day (Tamaki x Fem!Reader)

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Writer: Amethyst 

A/N: Tamaki will obviously be aged up and has a joint agency with the fellow Big Three.


This is the first time Tamaki and I have not been able to celebrate Valentine's Day together, due to Mirio needing his help with the agency they opened up in October of last year. Because of the agency being so new, also mean Tamaki and I haven't really even seen each other much lately, which is why at the moment I am getting ready to surprise Tamaki when he gets home.

I know that usually when he gets home he warms up the leftovers, takes a shower, and then heads to bed. So to up that depressing night, I get started with my plans.

I dig out the spare rose petals that he used for my birthday and decide to lay them around the house, where it would lead him to different parts of the house. As I finish placing the petals down, I let out a deep breath, "Ugh, there's a lot more left to do,"


Tamaki POV

"Are you sure I can leave Mirio?" I ask, not wanting to leave him with the piles of work, "I'm all good Tamaki! Go back to your girl!" I start to lightly blush, hiding my face, "If that's what you want,". As I am getting off the train, I check my phone, to see if Y/N would be awake. But the time says it's 12:46 AM, making me sigh, gripping her gift bag, as I finish my trackback.

As I unlock the door and step in, I hear the faint sound of music playing. When I close the door and take my shoes off, I feel something beneath my feet, a light crunch, making me lift my foot and look at the ground. I then see a trail of rose petals, making a smile creep onto my face.

I decide to follow the petals, them first taking me to an array of movies that have sticky notes on each, then a little card that says, Read Me First.

I peel off the small sticker that is holding the folded card, now being able to unfold it.

You may pick a movie with the corresponding snack for us to watch after you find me.

My smile grows larger, while I then scan the movies and snacks she has listed.

The Notebook - Carmel Marshmallow popcorn

When Harry Met Sally - Y/N favorite candy, and Skittles

Romeo and Juliet - Pretzels and Chocolate

Be My Valentine Charlie Brown- Half cooked cookie dough with pizza from Pizzakaya

I decide on "Be My Valentine Charlie Brown", picking it up and keeping it under my arm while I follow the petals. The next place it leads me is two pictures taped onto the wall next to our guest bedroom. There's a picture of our couch printed out, then a picture of our bed. There's a card also taped above asking, where would you like to watch said movie?

I peel off the picture of our bed and stuff it under my arm again. I always like watching movies with Y/N in our bed because then she always ends up nestling up next to me, falling asleep on my shoulder or spread out on top of me. It's one of my favorite things she does.

I follow the petals to our bathroom, opening the door, to see candles lit, the bath filled with bubbles, incense filling aroma in the room's air.

After I look around for a bit, I get back on the path, seeing the end being at our bedroom door. I walk up, turn the knob, to be met with soft music playing. As I open it fully to see Y/N in a hoodie of mine, short shorts, her hair up in a messy bun, lighting the last candle lit in the room.

I took the stuff under my arm onto the nearby dresser, the clacking drawing her attention to me. "Oh shoot, I didn't know you were already here, I would've sped up the lighting process," She says, making me shake my head, walking slowly over to her, "It's okay, I loved all of this, but you know you didn't have to do this,"

She shakes her head, while I wrap my arms around her waist while she hooks her's around my neck, "Nah, I felt it was much needed for you," I grin down at her, capturing her pink plump lips, that somehow tasted like peaches and plums at the same time. We shared the sweet and passionate kiss, I pull away for much-needed air and connect our foreheads together.

As I look into her eyes, I see a bright and happy future, making me beam with happiness and delight.

"Y/N? You know I love you right?"

She giggles, "Yes, T, I know. And I love you too,"  

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