First Impressions Deku x Female!Reader

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Deku x Reader

Writer: Amethyst

Deku POV:

My leg bounces as I wait for Y/N to get here, this whole thing has been making me nervous all week. I know my mother will love Y/N, I mean who couldn't, but it's more of how Y/N acts when she's nervous. She can be a lot like Bakugou, can take off her filter, making her swear all over the place. But she's always been kind-hearted, warm, she treats me different than others. She lets her walls down for me, and that's something I hope she can do with my mother. She and her mother have never truly been close, that causing her to have trust issues and not be too good with women, more mothers. I close my eyes, trying to control my breathing when I hear my mother's footsteps. "I don't know why you are so nervous Izuku, what you've told me about her, she seems lovely," That makes me groan into my hands, and then pull them to my sides, "I know you'll love her, I am just nervous how she is," She is about to question me, when I hear a knock, making me sigh, and then turn towards the door.


I hold my hands together, my wrist holding a bag, and squeeze my eyes closed, a tear falling. I haven't had a good encounter with a mother in years, or women in general, I mean it took three months for me to be comfortable with Mina. I raise my shaky hand, and knock on the door, wiping my eyes quickly as I wait.

It opens, revealing Izuku, I grin at him, while he lets out a smile. I open my arms and capture him in a light hug, all my worries disappearing momentarily. "Hey sweetie," He says into my ear, as we separate, "Hey Izu," I walk in fully, him gripping onto his hand like my life depended on it, he turns his head and says quietly, "It's gonna be okay, just don't think about her," I nod, tears collecting in my eyes, as I try my best to hold them back, wiping my eyes.

We walk into the living room, to not see Izuku's mom, but some snacks. I let out a sigh of relief, him just holding onto my hand with adding a little more pressure, making my tense form fall a bit. We both walk to the couch and start to take some snacks and eat them.

As we eat them, I break the silence, "I don't know if I can do this Izuku," I let the tears fall, making him turn to me, and hold my face in his hands, wiping the tears with his thumbs, "I know you can, just think about me, okay? Think about us," He urges, as I nod, trying to control my tears and breathing. I stare into his green orbs, "I'll try, Izu," He lets out a small smile, "That's all I can ask for,"


We sit for a little bit, talking quietly, about our studies and something that happened before the break. That's when I hear a voice call out, "Izuku! Y/N! Food is ready loves," Her voice is different, warm and caring, making a feeling in my stomach. I get nervous again, but I just take a deep breath, trying to keep calm. Izuku and I walk out into the kitchen to see loads of food set out, making me smile. I sit next to Izuku while his mother sits across from us. It starts out with just the sounds of forks hitting plates, and that's when I realize. His mother is waiting for me to be comfortable enough to talk, that makes me gulp down hard, and look over to her. "You have a beautiful home, Ms," My voice cracks halfway through, and my hands shake slightly, but when she meets my eyes, they show appreciation, something I never got with my mother. "Thank you Y/N, Izuku and I spent the first day of his break decorating. This time of year is pretty special for us," She smiles, making me feel slightly better, and give her a genuine grin back. I feel Izuku's hand on my thigh, rubbing it, making me glance over at him, to see him smiling at me, nodding.

After I said something we all started to talk more, I was still shaking slightly and quiet but Izuku helped a lot. She started to tell me about young stories of Izuku, which helped me get out of my shell slightly, and I actually let out a small laugh. That sound made Izuku feel happy, happy that I and his mother were getting along.

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