Master Of The Game Shigarkai x Reader

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Shigaraki x Reader

Writer: Citrine

You headed to the LOV's hideout. You were just looking forward to spending time with your crusty lover. The last time you texted him he was in a good mood and looking forward to playing some video games with you. As you grew closer you felt the atmosphere shift and something was up. You looked around before you unlocked the door and strolled through the doorway. You heard Shigaraki yelling at people over the phone which you assumed were Toga, Twice, and Dabi. You took a seat at the bar where Kurogiri stood.

" What did the three muskateers do this time?" You asked.

" Something serious enough to royally piss Shigaraki off." Kurogiri sighed.

You hummed an "hm" to him and prepared yourself to face an angry Shigaraki. Shigaraki's tantrums could last a while so, you were disappointed to see your evening ruined. The sudden silence and and loud footsteps that followed into the room broke you out of thought. Shigaraki and all his angry glory stomped his way into the room.

" What happened?" You asked.

" I don't want to talk about it." Shigaraki fumed.

You eyes with him for a few minutes and the look he gave hurt you. You only saw Shigaraki give those kinds of glares to people like Dabi and Overhaul, but not you.

" Shigaraki you have to talk to me. I just want to see what made you so upset." You pleaded.

" I don't have to tell you anything, it's better for you to stay out of it anyways." he barked back.

You sighed. Shigaraki was about unbearable to stand when he was throwing a tantrum. You don't know how you put up with it, but you do.

" I'm just trying to help" You said softly, trying not to snap at him and make matters worse.

He looked at you trying to read your features before he spoke again.

" I don't need your help. I don't need you at all." he spat.

Those words felt like acid burning at your skin. Tears threatening to pour out of your eyes, but you kept your composure. You let out a soft "Fine" as you got up from the bar. You headed towards the door threw your spare key on the floor and walked out. The snow that fell on the ground around you didn't help your mood. You thought about if you got lost or attacked and something happened to you would he even care?

Your sad mood turned into rage as you grew closer to your apartment. You opened the door and slammed it shut. " Who does he think he is?!" you shouted as you paced back and forth. " If anything I don't need him!" you finished your rant with.

You felt cold from the outside and decided a warm bath would do you some good.

After the bath you dried off and changed into an oversized F/C shirt and some black shorts. You lay in bed as sleep tugs at you while you drift off into sleep.

You woke up early and in a good mood until memories of yesterday flooded your mind. You sighed and decided that going into town would do you some good. You grabbed a decent shirt and some nice looking leggings (or pants if you're a guy.) to change into and headed into town. Your first stop was the coffee shop, you walked in and ordered your favorite drink to go. You thanked the barista you handed it to you with a wink. A small blush crept onto your face as you walked out. You felt eyes on you, but you ignored them. This small interaction got you thinking were you single anymore? You thought about it and let it pass, you were not going to waste your day on thinking about Shigaraki. You sighed and walked into the book store it's been a while since you had a good book to read.

You walked into your favorite genre section, horror. Horror books are just more enjoyable than movies since their whole focus isn't to scare you. You went to pull a book that caught your eye from the shelf only to be met with a pair of piercing red eyes that disappeared as soon as you blinked. 'Was that Shigaraki' you thought. Then you remembered he didn't want anything to do with you. You purchased the book because you thought it would be a good option to read. You just finished you coffee on your way out. 'I swear they dont fill up the mugs correctly.' you thought.

You stopped by a shop with ice cream and other snacks. You ordered your favorite snack and decided to call it quits and head home to get started on your new book.

You walked through the front door and see Kurogiri's portal open in front of you as if it were waiting for you. 'What does he want now?' you thought. You plucked the bookmark from your book and a pen from your bag and wrote, " If you don't want anything to do with me then the feelings mutual." You threw the bookmark into the portal and watched it before it closed up and you could finally set foot into your own house. You sit on your couch with your book and snacks about to dig into both when you decide to check your phone. You see messages from a lot of people in the League. You see some from twice a few more from toga and dabi, but a huge amount from Shigaraki.

You check the messages from Shigaraki most of them were of him asking you when you were coming back but the one that shocked you the most was the most recent one that read

" I'm sorry. I love you, please come back."

You feel tears fall down your cheeks. You hear a knock on the door and you wipe your away the tears while you get up and head towards the door. You open it without looking through the peephole and your met with those red ruby colored eyes from earlier. You both look at each other for a few moments before Shigaraki broke the silence.

He looked around before he asked if you if he could come in. You felt dumb and stepped aside and let him in and closed the door. Before you could say anything you felt Shigaraki collapse on you gripping your shirt like he was going to lose you. You wrapped your arms around him and felt your shirt dampen with his tears. He picked his head up and whispered in your ear " I was wrong, I need you." You smiled and replied with " I need you too."

You brought over him towards the couch as you laid down and patted you stomach where he took the hint and laid on top of you and snuggled into your neck. You picked up the book and started to read it as you stroked Shigaraki's hair. You read a few chapters before you looked at Shigaraki and noticed he was staring at you. He lifted his head and his chapped lips met your soft tender ones. He parted from you and went back into the crook of your neck.

You giggled and said " You need some chapstick."

You felt his eyebrows furrow and he replied with "You're an ass."

" Aww love you too Shiggy!" you cooed

" Love you too." he murmured

You returned to your book where the chapter's bold words stood out to you.

" Mission Complete!"

'Weird' you thought. You sat the book on the coffee table next to your snacks and focused your attention on Shigaraki before both of you fell into a deep slumber.


 Hey, squad fam! *Que the fake youtube break down*. I am soo soo sorry! In all seriousness, I've been gone due to me moving and having to go to a new school and having to get settled into it. So, I'm planning on starting to post more since things have settled down. I'm back and ready for business.

BNHA OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang