Sunshine Kami x Male!Reader

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Kaminari x Male!Reader

Writer: Amethyst

~Contains slight smut~

Proceed with caution


I wait near the entrance, scrolling through my camera roll when I pass by one of my newest pictures taken, it being when Kami and I went on our recent date to the small cafe on the square. I smile down at it, Kami smiling like a goof, while I was trying to stay on his back, us looking into each other eyes. But my smile falters when I think about mine and Kaminair's relationship. Everybody basically knows about us, except for my twin brother, Katsuki, him being older by only four minutes. Katsuki doesn't know much about me, hell he probably forgot my middle name. That's the main reason why I don't need Katsuki knowing about my sexuality or my relationship with one of his close friends.

As I back out of the camera roll app, I feel someone push past me, making me whip my head to see ash blonde hair, "Dickwad, watch where you are going!" I yell at him, making him tsk, and continue walking, making my blood boil, until I feel someone grip onto my hand, turning to see my handsome boyfriend. My pissy face is replaced with happiness seeing the bright ball of joy, "Hey sunshine!" I say, pulling him a little over, him leaning down to capture my lips with his, the small peck lasting a couple of seconds before we separate. "You ready?" He asks, making me nod, leading him the long way to the dorms, him following.


Lately, we have been very close to getting caught by Katsuki, luckily we have amazing friends to help or ourselves being careful enough to see him coming. Like for example here are three of the most recent incidents.


It was my turn to make breakfast for the class, which is how I got into the situation of wearing an apron with only a white tank top and my boxers, them both hugging me tightly in the right places.

I feel a cold sensation on my right ass cheek, making me smile, then feeling a chin on my left shoulder, "Hey Syrup," He softly says, kissing my cheek, while I just roll my eyes, cutting up apples. Katsuki might smell like caramel, while I smell like maple syrup, according to Kami. He starts to kiss my neck, leaving light kisses on my exposed skin, "You think that just anyone should be able to see you in something like this," He teases, making me whimper when he jolts his hips forward.

"Oh, hello fellow humans, Bakugo and I are entering!" Sero screams loudly, making Kaminari, speed to sit on the island behind me, while I go back to cutting apples, as Katsuki pushes Sero, "It's too early for your yapping!" He yells, bumping into me, as he looks through the fridge. I look over to Sero, and mouth, "Thank you," Him just nodding his head, and turning to have a conversation with Kaminari.


Kami and I were walking, hand in hand, to the nearby fair that was being held to raise money for some dying breed of fish. But Kami wanted to use it as an excuse to take me on a date, which I am not one to complain about. I playfully swing our intertwine hands, grinning while we walk in sync, my ripped black jeans and plain pale blue t-shirt matching his outfit, with little tweaks here and there so he looks more 'trendier than me' as he likes to put it.

We get to the fair, and walk over to the ticket booth, getting six food tickets each, and ten ride tickets each. As we pay, I look around, smelling the yummy fried dough in the air. Hearing the laughter and cheers of children running around, having fun, making me feel like a kid again being here. I look over to look at Kami, smiling at the sight. A small kid came up to him, remembering him from the festival, and starting talking about heroes to him.

After the kid left, Kami turned to me, "What do you want to do first?" I tap on my chin, "I'm in the mood for some burgers," I say, him pumping his free fist in the air, "This is why we are dating," I laugh at him, as we make our way to the food stands, before I drop our hands abruptly, making Kaminari look over confused, before he hears, "Ugh, Dunce face and Wannabe are here!" Katsuki exclaims to Kirishima and Mina, them looking at us with an apologetic look, but I just shake my head, smiling small, letting them know it's okay.

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