Project Romance Part 2

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Writer: Amethyst 

Katsuki x Reader

I can feel his breath against my neck, making me squirm and fight, but then I feel something cold get pulled up to my neck, making me widen my eyes and freeze. "Now, this will all be easier if you give me what you took," He says, looking at Katsuki, making me shake my head back and forth, "Don't do it Kat-" I get interrupted by my own scream, looking down at my stomach, tears streaming down my cheeks. He lifts me by my hair and then slams me against the ground, making the knife go into a weird angle and go further into my upper stomach, me coughing up blood while groaning. "Stop!" Katsuki screams, holding up his hand again, just for the guy to slice my back open, making me slam my fist on the ground in pain.

Never give up, people's lives are at risk, right now all that matters are the lives at risk. I think, making me tear up, as my shaking hand lifts up, my right hand staying on the ground, while I ignore everything else, as Katsuki and the guy argue. I remember there was some type of heavy metal, if I can pick that up then I can fling it at the guy. Katsuki better listen to me, "Katsuki move!" I yell, opening my eyes, making sure he ducked, just in time for the metal to fly at the guy, sending him back. Katsuki runs towards me, as I lift myself slightly with my arms, them being shaky and not able to withstand the weight, making me fall back down. "Idiot, idiot why didn't you just get your uncle out of here!" He scolds me, picking me up, as I hear Izuku and Shouto running over. "He was going to kill you, I lo-" I cough mid-sentence, blood coming up, making Katsuki speed up, "Stop talking, we're getting out of here, just stay awake," As he says that my eyes feel heavy, making me fight to keep them open, but fail, seeing darkness.


I wake up in a haze, vision slightly blurry, and looking in a bright room. I feel something warm in my right palm, making me rub my eyes with my left one and look over, seeing Katsuki. My chest gets warm, as I grin at his sleeping body, taking notice that he has bags under his eyes, making me weaken the grin slightly. "Good to see your okay kid," I look over to see my uncle sitting in a wheelchair, bandages wrapping around his wounds. "How are you already okay?" I ask, confused that the both of us are semi okay. "Recovery girl is here to the rescue, like always," I look over to see the said girl, making me smile, "And countless times I have thanked you for that," She rolls her eyes and leaves, leaving the three of us.

"He's a keeper," Shinya all the sudden says, making my eyes widen, "We aren't-" "Yet, but he hasn't left your side for the whole week since you've been here," He says, winking before heading to the door. I sigh, and look over to Katsuki, I don't want to wake him, but I need to talk with him. I grin at him, before squeezing his hand, making him stir slightly in his sleep, me giggling softly, that getting him to weakly open his eyes, them then fully widening. "Holy shit you're awake!" He says, standing, as I swing my legs to the side, looking at him. We stand there for a moment, looking into each other's eyes, until he broke the silence, "What did you want to say?" I tilt my head, "What?" He rolls his eyes, "Back when we were leaving, before you coughed up your blood supply," I look at the ground, a blush creeping onto my face, saying fuck it and biting the bullet. I lift my finger and boop his nose, making him confused, his eyebrows scrunching up. There was a pause, making me look to the side, tears building up, before the door opens. I wipe my tears while I see Izuku walking in, "Oh, sorry if I'm interrupting," I shake my head, "No it's fine Izuku," He smiles at me, while Katsuki back away slightly, letting Izuku walk over. "How're you feeling, Shinya told me you were awake?" I nod my head, "Yeah, I'm okay, I mean my stomach and back hurt obviously but nothing I can't handle," I grin at him as he nods his head, and then brings me into a gentle hug. I embrace it, making me smile, "Thanks for the backup," He tells me, making me laugh, "No problem, anytime," He lets out a wide smile before speaking again, "I hope you feel better, I have to go, but we'll talk soon, okay?" I nod my head, and he boops my nose, making me roll my eyes, "Really, you needed to say that?" I ask, him nodding, "I mean you almost died, I feel like an 'I love you' was in order," I let out a chuckle, booping him back. He then turns and leaves, making silence linger the air again.

"Katsuki if you want to-" "Shut up," He butts in, making me silence myself, continuing to look at the ground. He takes a deep breath, "You're annoying and impulsive, care too much about others, and you're a softie," I let out a single chuckle, letting him continue. "I hated you, but seeing you risk your life, for others, for me... it made me realize something. I almost lost you," He pauses, making my eyes look up, to see him looking at me, tears prickling in his red orbs, as my cheeks are slightly dampened. "I almost lost you without doing something very important, telling you something very important," I was about to ask what when I feel the warmth on my lips. I tense, my eyes open wide before he backs out. He feels rejected, but before he gets too far I pull him by the collar, smashing my lips with his, this time, reacting back, his caramel-flavored lips combining with my apple chapstick.

I feel him lick my bottom lip, making me smirk as I let him in, his tongue exploring my mouth. But before we know it, we pull away, his face centimeters away from mine. I grin, "I love you," I say, this time his eyes were bright, and he gave me a small smile, but instead of saying it back, he booped my nose, making me laugh lightly. I wrap my arms underneath his armpits, linking them behind him to bring him into a hug, which he returned, us staying like this for a bit, enjoying ourselves.


I walk hand-and-hand with Katsuki. We made it official and finally I was able to get back to school and classes. We chose a few people to tell about us and decided it would be fun to see other's reactions. We both walk into homeroom, a couple of people seated, and walk to his desk, "So I'm picking you up at 6, correct?" He clarifies, making me nod my head, "Yup," I smile at him, and he bends down to capture my lips with his, making me put my right hand to rest on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb, before we end the moment. He smirks, as we hear three gasps, looking behind us to see Mina, Denki, and Sero. A light blush dust both our cheeks, "Pay up!" Mina yells, holding out her palms, to see 1000 yen being placed in each. I giggle at the exchange, and I turn back to go to my seat, sitting down, as Katsuki looks behind him to glance at me, still having that stupid smirk, making me grin at him. 

BNHA OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon