Chapter Eight

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That night, I instented on going back home, so Matt took me to my place and Syn to his.

I walked into my big empty house and looked around. It was quiet and dark. I turned on the kitchen light and walked in, grabbing a bottle of whine that sat on the counter. I got a glass from the cabnet and poured me a drink, then went into the living room. I lit candles on the table and tv system, then sat down on the couch sipping my drink. I watched the candles buring, the wax dripping and all I could think of, was Brandy. I longed for her. I had no idea why and I didnt understand it. All she did was kidnap me, kept me as he sex slave and tourcher me. I guess, we never experainced fans like that and now that I have, I think, I liked it.

After I finished off my sixth glass of wine and completely lost my mind, it only got worse. I started hearing shit. I herd foot steps walking down the hall. I herd Syn scream coming from the end of the hall. I closed my eyes and covered my ears wanting it to stop.

'Its okay Zacky, let it go..'

I jumped up from the couch and looked around. I could have swarn I herd Brandy jus speak, but maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, I dont know, so I sat back down. I rubbed my eyes and saw Brandy in the back of my mind, licking her lips. Looking at me, ready to take advantace of me.

"Brandy.." I mummled under my breath as I started to slip my hand down my pants, but I stopped myself.

I grabbed my wine glass and pour'd it full, chugging it down all in one glup. I sat the glass back down and buried my face in my hands. I could shake these dirty thoughts from my head. I wanted them gone. I didnt want them, part of me didnt anyways. The other part, wanted them to stay. Wanted them to become real. I wanted to crawl back to that house Brandy and Cyndy kept us at, begging for forgivness. To be punished.

"Fuck this!" I yelled, tossing the glass at the door. I watched it shatter as the broken glass connected with the wall. I watched the pieces scatter all over the floor.

I shook my head and grabbed the rest of the bottle, then bolted to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, freezing cold at first, but then I found myself turning it, steaming hot. The dirty thoughts entered my mind again as I stepped into the shower. I bit my lip as the steaming hot water crashed against my skin. I leaned out of the shower and grabbed the wine bottle. I turned it up and chugge some of it, then sat it back down. I shook my head and ran my hands threw my hair as I leaned to the side of the shower. I closed my eyes and pictured the dirty thoughts, wanting them to be real, so bad. I licked my lips and reached down, grabbing myself. I slowly started to rub myself up and down as I went threw my dirty thoughts step by step, slowly. I longed for her touch and I still didnt know why.

"Fuck!" I moaned as I bet my lip and got myself off.

I growled and slammed my hand on the side of the shower and slid to the bottom as the water hit my face. I hated myself for enjoying something so bad, so wrong, but I couldnt help it. She made me feel good. I wanted her. I wanted the thoughts to disapire and her be in my room.

Once I finished taking a shower, I stepped out and slipped on my pj pants, then slowly made my way into my bed room. I looked around the room and sighed as I sat on the edge of the bed. I fucked with my wet hair and just starred at the floor. I started to hear foot steps pacing down my hall again. I quickly got up and looked out the door. I saw nothing, so I went back to my bed and laid down. I looked to the empty spot next to me and felt as if I was missing something. Someone. The thought of my ex ran threw my head and part of me missed Gena, but that quickly left my mind and Brandy entered. I growled to myself and snatched the extrea pillow next to me, then covered my face. My mind was all over the place and all I wanted to do was sleep.

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