Chapter Three

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*Zacky's point of view.*

When the girls arrived, we sat down and did a few shots. That didn't last long; they suggested something else to do. Syn and I gave each other iffy looks, but caved in and went along with them. We followed them to their car and they took us down under the freeway. A shit ton of abandoned cars were all over the place. Old chairs, tables, just a bunch of junk. Then there was a big fire pit, right in the middle.

"So what are we doing?" Syn asked, as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

I looked back at the girls and waited for an answer.

Cyn smiled and walked onto an old bus.

"You like to play with fire right?" B asked us.

I nodded my head as well as Syn did.

"Good." B said as Cyn came out of the bus with firworks.

Legit, huge, fireworks.

"What are those for?" Syn asked her.

She smiled at him, "You'll see."

I shook my head and grabbed Syn by the arm, "What are we doing?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Having some fun?"

"We dont even know these girl's real names." I said, being iffy.

B walked up to me and rested her hand on my shoulder, "Brandy. Shes Cyndy."

The red head glared at her, then smiled. She walked over to a old car, then started setting the fireworks, inside it.

"Whoa, isnt that bad?" I asked.

Brandy leaned her head on my shoulder, "Its fine, we've done this before."

I looked at Syn and now her started to look a little iffy.

Cyndy finished putting the fireworks in the car, then walked back to us. She grabbed Syn by the arm and walked a few feet back, behind the leg of the bridge. Brandy walked up to the car and started fucking with it. She then slowly made her way back toward me, with a line behind her. She grabbed my arm and walked me over to were Syn and Cyndy were.

"Ready?" The girls both asked us.

I nodded my head and grabbed Brandy by her waste.

"Not scared are you?" She laughed.

I slightly ran my hand across her stomach and leaned toward her ear, "Never."

She smirked, then handed Cyndy a lighter. Cyndy lit the line wire and we watched as the fire spark trailed back to the car. It was dead for a short second, then out of no where, the car lit up. Basiclly blew up it seamed like.

"Holy shit!" Syn said excited, "Do that again!"

I rolled my eyes and both of us followed threw girls to the bus to grab more fire works.

We started lighting things off, shooting them at things. Blowing things up. Breaking liqour bottles as we emptyed them. I was starting to feel a little light headed when I noticed Cyndy drug Syn on the old bus. I was sitting on the hood of an old mustage, as Brandy walked up to me with a half empty bottle of Teqilla. She handed me the bottle as she took a drink and I downed the rest of it. She ran her hand up my shirt, then placed her hands on my hips.

"Sounds like someone is enjoying themselves." I said looking at the bus as I herd faint moans that sounded like Syn.

She nodded her head and kissed my neck, right about my chest.Then she bit me.

That turned me on, so I threw her on the hood of the car and pushed her back.

"Someones into it tonight!" She laughed evilly.

I smirked at her and started unbottoning my pants, "Blowing things up. Teqilla. A fine as girl. And biting. How is that not going to make me horny?"

She smirked back at me and pulled off her shirt.

I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer to me and entered her. I was not about to waste anytime with this. I wanted her. Bad. I didnt know why. I placed my hands on each side of her and got my pase going faster. I closed my eyes and inched my way deeper and deeper inside her. I let out slight moans every inch I got. I opened my eyes and started to get dizzy. I started seeing double. I reached up and grabbed her chest, thursting into her hard and faster, trying to get myself from blacking out. I kept going till I herd her moan, then I went out.

*Synyster's point of view.*

I woke up and everything was upside down. Well, at least I was upside down. I had apperently fell asleep on the bus in the the seats. I raised up and figered out, I had a shitty hang over and was alone on the bus.

"What the fuck is my shirt?" I mummled to myself as I got up and put my pants on.

I made my way off the bus and found Zacky, pasted out on the ground in front of an old mustang. His pants were down and his shirt was missing as well. I looked around the area we were in and couldnt find mine, or his.

"Zacky, wake up." I said as I slightly kicked him.

He growled and looked up at me.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked as he got up.

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed, "No idea, but damn those girls are something."

"Whers my shirt?" He asked as we started back up to the main road.

I shook my head, "No clue. Mines missing too."

"Well that sucks." He said as we sat on a bus bench, "Did they take them?"

"More then likely, but I dont understand why." I said thinking about.

Zacky pulled out his phone and called up Matt to come get us.

Shortly Matt arrived, with some shrits, thankfully, then drove us to his place to hang out and talk for a while. Which was a good idea, because Zacky and I were too into the girls we had just met three days ago.

"You guys are telling me, you went willingly with two random girls, who you only knew from the night before, and they had fireworks to blow things up? Then got you guys shit face drunk, screw both of you, and jacked your shirts?" Matt asked us as we were relaxing in the living room.

I nodded my head, "Yupp, that sums it all up."

He shook his head.

"I dont know, they sound a little out there, you know?" Val said, "Kinda crazy? Dangerous?"

"I like crazy!" I laughed.

She glared at me, "Brian, its not a good crazy."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Zacky, what do you think about it? Are they wroth it?" Val asked him.

He shurgged his shoulders, "I dont know. They could bem if we actually got to know them."

"Hell, I dont have there number Val. They dont have ares. Who knows if we will even seen them again," I said kind of upset at the thought, "The only way is if we run into them at Johnnys again or something."

Val glared at me and I glared back, then walked off out the back door, and sat on the steps of their deck, looking up at the sky turn to night. I was pissed off that Val questioned me about these girls. I knew, something was off about them. And yes, they seamed bad, but I like that. I think Val is just pissed off that I blew her sister off. I didnt care. I felt a connection with that red headed Cyndy girl and I was determinded to find her, if it ment sitting at Johnnys everynight until I ran into her again.

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