Chapter Four

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After a week of going to Johnnys with Zacky. We both got tired of waiting and lost hope of running into the terror twin due we were chasing. It sucked, I thought there could be something, but I guess I was wrong. That saturda night, we were going to stay in, watch a few music documanterys and get drunk, but Johnny instest we go with him to his favorite strip club cause Lacy was out of town for the weekend visting her parents, so it was his chance and he didnt wanna go alone. After begging us for hours allday saturday, but night fall, we gave in, got ready and went with him.

"Thank you!" Johnny said over excited as we piled into a cab.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up Christ."

"You will enjoy it, I swear." He said wrapped his arm around me.

I shoved her arm off and looked out the window as we made our way to the club.

We arrived and all of us walked inside. Johnny ran straight to the stage, but Zacky and I made our way to the bar. I ordered a scotch for Zacky and myself. We sat from a distance at the bar and watched girl come out after girl, dancing on a pole. Johnny had went off in a VIP room with one of the stripers, so Zacky and I got up and made our way closer to the stage, but sat on one of the couches. A girl or two came up to us and asked for a lap dance. We turned then down and just watched everything going on till Johnny appeared from the VIP room and joined us on the couch.

"Dude, you guys need to take a girl to a VIP room." Johnny said over excited.

Zacky laughed and shook his head no.

"Dude, I need a girlfriend, not a stripper." I joked.

Johnny rolled his eyes and threw his arm around me, "What happened to the girl crazy Synyster that I knew? He would have a different girl ever stop on tour, now you want a girlfriend?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'd like one. Im geting old Johnny boy."

"Dude, I have a girlfriend." He laughed, "Im lucky to even come out to a strip club every now and then."

I sighed, "I dont know Johnny."

He leaned back on the couch and glared at me, "Then why did you turn Michelle down?"

"Yea Gates, why?" Zacky asked, now interested.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, "Alright fine Johnny. Find me a girl and send them to my VIP room."

"Im gunna grab another beer while you two do whatever." Zacky said shaking his head, then making his way to the bar.

Johnny jumped up all excited and walked me to the VIP area, then took off running after some striper.

I growled, then sat down on the couch in one of the rooms. I looked around at the lights. I hadden been in a strip club since before Jimmy died. Jimmy, Johnny, and I use to always go after a show, but I stopped cause I missed Jimmy. I guess Johnny was right I needed to come back and let loose again. I ran my hand threw my hair, then took a drink of my scotch. I rubbed my faces for a second then I heard someone open te curtian, and kinda gasp. When I looked up, I was shocked to who I saw. It was Cyndy.

"Awkward." She mummled as she walked up to me.

"Your a stripper?" I asked shocked.

She shook her head no.

I looked at her werid, "Then why are you back here?"

"Some short guy grabebd me and told me to come in here." She said shaking her head, "That fucker thought I was a stripper, so I thought why not check it out, see who I find."

I couldnt help but laugh, "Thats Johnny for you. Stripper crazy, well if your not a stripper, why are you here?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I dont know. Brandy and I were interested. Its amature night, we were going to try it out."

"How come I havent ran into you again?" I asked.

She looked at the ground for a minute then back at me. She knew I was serious.

"I was nerves." She admited, "I know who you are."

I smirked and leaned back on the couch, "Really? Who am I?"

"Your Synyster Gates. The Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold. My favorite band." She told me.

I nodde my head, "Why didnt you just say something?"

"I thought you wouldnt give me a chance if I was a little fan girl or something." She said looking down at the ground.

I stood up and walked over to her. I grabbed her hand and pushed her back out of her face, then kissed her.

"Im giving you a chance," I smiled, "So buy my a drink."

She smiled, then walked out of the room, pulling me behind her. She walked up to her friend, who had already found Zacky at the bar. Apperently she spilled her guts to him too and hes giving her a chance. Which I liked it, they matched us. They just a one little mistake. A flaw, but everyone has those.

Threw out the night, we sat at the bar, drinking, getting to know them a little better, while we let Johnny have fun with the strippers. It didnt take me long to get tired of babysitting, so I called Matt up to have him take Johnny home. He noticed the girls we were with and gave a nodd of to approve, then left with Johnny.

"I think its about time we head out." Zacky said yawning, "We can catch up with you girls tomorrow?"

Brandy and Cyndy gave each other sad looks.

"One more drink first?" Cyndy begged with pledding eyes.

I sighed, then nodded in agreement as she orderd up another drink.

Brandy orderd Zacky another one as well.

The girls kept shooting daggers at these two strippers, who were eyeing us. I told them it was fine, but they instented they say something, but before they did, the two strippers apporached us. The girls glared, but Zacky and I nicely asked them away, that we were with the girls.

"See, that wasnt bad, was it?" I smirked as I leaned my arm on the bar and reached for my drink.

Cyndy had a smirk across her lips as I took a drink.

I gave her a funny look, then looked at Zacky take his drink.

"Are you sure, you wanan go home?" Cyndy asked me as she stood up.

"Yea, wouldnt you guys rather, play some more?" Brandy asked Zacky.

I nodde my head and smirked at Zacky as Cyndy grabbed my hand to pull me up.

As I stood, I felt dizzy. The room was spinning. I shook my head and quickly closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was in the front seat of a car. I looked in the back seat and Zacky was there with Brandy on his lap. I rubbed my eyes and then looked out the window and relized we were moving.

"Where are we going?" I mummled.

Cyndy laughed, "Our place."

"I think you should take us to our place. I feel sick." I said holding my stomach.

Cyndy sighed and looked in the back seat at Brandy, then smirked, "If you say so."

She jerked the wheel of the car slung me into the door. I grabbed my head in pain and looked in front of me. A knife slid across the dash board. I quickly looked at Cyndy and she grabbed the knife so fast, I barley saw her move.

"Whats that for?" I asked.

She didnt say anything, jsut sped up.

"Slow down." I herd Zacky say from the back.

I leaned over the seat to check on him and Brandy had him pinned down. A knife to his chest.

"Stop the car!" I yelled.

Brandy grabbed my by the shirt and shook me. I felt my head spin again. And it wasnt liek a drunken, dizzy spin. It was like I was on some drug. I kept trying to shake it out of my head and come to, but I couldnt. Everything stayed hazey.

"Stop the car!" Zacky yelled louded.

"No!" Brandy yelled at him.

I quickly stopped getting dizzy and went to grabbed Brandy. She yelled at Cyndy, then the car came to a stop, flinging me forward, yacking my head on the dash board. I quickly blacked out.

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