Chapter Two

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I started hearing an alarm going off. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Zacky was all sprawled out, tangled in the covers on the bed next to me. I looked down at myself and quickly covered myself up with the covers, which were on the floor. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and turned off the alarm.

"Zacky, dude. Wake up." I said rubbing my face.

Zacky groaned and tossed over in the bed.

I rolled my eyes and slipped on my pants. I took a look around the room and it was a mess. Empty vodka bottles, everywhere. All the things in the room, were trashed. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair, was a crazy mess and I had lipstick kisses all over my body. From my chest, to my stomach. Probably other places too, but I didn't check. Then I remembered, she didn't have lipstick on while everything was going, or I'd have it all over my mouth. Then I spotted a note on the mirror, written with lipstick.

' Syn and Zacky,

Wow! You guys are amazing!(; Sorry we had to split, we had somethings to take care of. We'd love to hang out again! Meet us at Johnny's bar in Huntinington Beach! Around nine. We have a treat for you.(;


-Cyn&B.<3 '

I smirked to myself and nodded my head. I was pretty fucking proud to have rocked that girls world, from what I remember. I think she rocked mine, more then I did hers.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Zacky asked, laughing as leaned in the bathroom door way.

I pointed at the mirror, "Something good."

He sqinted to read it and smiled, "Are we going dude?!"

"No shit. Those girls were crazy! I want to find out more about them." I said as I pushed him out of the way and walked back to the bed.

I picked up my shirt from the floor and threw it on, then ran my hands threw my hair, trying to fix it the best I could. I grabbed my phone off the table and checked the time. It was 2 in the afternoon.

"Shit." I said shaking my head, "Its already two."

Zacky combed his hair back and looked at me, "Lets get out of here."

I nodded my head and snatched a bottle of vodka that was sitting on the dresser. A little was left in it, so I finished it off and tossed the bottle on the bed, then walked out with Zacky.

Later on that day, Zacky had dropped me off at my place and I had been unpacking. Also, I was already a few beers in and half a bottle of Tequila. Currently, I was fumbling around in my bathroom, trying to get ready to go out. I had slicked my hair back and threw on a leather jacket over my grey, v-neck shirt. I slipped my bullet bracelet on and threw my bullet necklace over my head. I snatched the cologne from the shelf and put some on, then headed down stairs to wait for Zacky to pick me up. My phone went off for a text message. I checked it and it was Zacky saying he was almost here. So I decided to walk outside.

I live on a dead end street, so it was quiet. The guy next door was sitting out his trash as I stood out in my drive way.

"Going out tonight Haner?" He asked me.

I nodded my head, "Sure am Mr. Walker."

"Going to get a pretty girl this time?" He also asked.

I laughed, "I hope so."

He smiled at me the went on into his house.

I shook my head. He was a sweet older guy, but damn, he always asked about me getting a girl.

I checked the time on my watch, then looked up at the sky as it slowly faded to a deep, redish, purple color for the sunset. I looked toward the main road and a car turned down my street. They honked the horn and pulled up in my drive way.

"Need a ride stranger?" Zacky said rolling down his window.

I flipped him off, then walked to the pasanger side and got in.

"Ready to find these ladies?" He asked me.

I nodded my head, "You fucking bet your ass!"

Zacky laughed and pulled out of the drive way, starting to the bar.

After a quick discussion over what we will do with these girls, and radio jam session with my air guitar, we pulled up to Johnny's bar. I've always loved this place. I never got enough of it. It was full of memories. From early on in being in Avenged and even now, we still come here. But what I really wondered, is why did they want to meet here? I never saw them there once before.

As we walked in, I scanned the room for the girls. No luck yet.

"What time is it?" Zacky asked me.

I checked my watched, "Almost nine. 15 mins till."

We had time to spread so we jumped ahead on drinking. The two of us got a scotch and grabbed a booth.

"Dude, what ever happened to Johnny?" Zacky randomly asked.

My eyes got wide and I laughed, "You know what, I have no idea."

"More then likely crashed at Matt's," Zacky laughed.

I nodded my head in agreement and sipped on my drink.

About twenty minutes after nine, Zacky and I grew tired of waiting and were ready to leave, but just before we decided to leave, we looked toward the door and two beauties walked in. Cyn and B. Im sure that wasnt really their names, and tonight, I planned on finding out their real names. It took them a minute to spot us, but when they did, smirks played across their lips and started towards us. I looked them up and down and knew, trouble was about to happen. They looked too good and too smart for simple bar fun. I had no idea what Zacky and I got ourselves into with these girls.

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