Chapter 5

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"This burn is huge. What is it, a foot long and four wide?" Dr. Sloan asked as he examined the wide spread blisters and raw skin.

"It's ten by five, could of been worse." Max's third degree burns were fresh on mind mind, deep and white.

"Oh yeah, you should see the things I get. Sometime their faces are completely burned by the time they get here," he motioned his free hand in a circle around his face. "I don't like admiting it, but they're scary and look like they came straight out if a horror movie." I couldn't help myself from laughing. I think he was trying to make me laugh, but I wasn't sure.

"Oh I shouldn't be laughing," I giggled again. "Does this make me a horible person?" I sat up and looked him straight in the eye, he did the same. We stared into eachothers eyes for seconds before I, then embarrassed, glanced down at my shoes and smiled more.

He smiled back, "No that doesn't make you a horrible person." His voice was so deep and raspy, like Max's. The recollection immediatly stole my childish grin. I was also, then reminded that he was my boss. My boss is how he should remain in my mind. But I do want someone to get my mind off Max. Would Mark be too much of a risk? He is so handsome, that smile.

"You know, you should shave. People with your cheekbones always become famous," I assumed he was smiling because he didn't reply. "I mean look at Daniel Day-Lewis and Obama. They have sure made their mark on the world." Now he was laughing.

"I think I'll keep the scruff, I don't want to go all Steven Tyler famous and end up with long hair and a drug addiction," he remarked. This guy is good, he is witty like me.

"Oh come on, the long hair and eyeliner would so look good on you," I managed to say while laughing. We were both heavily laughing.

Sloan made his last stitch and moved a chair next to me. "Do you want to meet me at Jo's after work tonight?" I smiled and bit my lip instinctively I wonder if Jo's is a restraunt or bar, hopefully bar. I'll need a drink after this long, crappy day.

"I will if you tell me what Jo's is, and you give up the dirt on everyone who works here," I said in a flirtatious manner. I didn't think I would like this guy but he's different from what I thought. So, Mark agreed and settled the time for eight o'clock. That leaves me an hour to talk with Lexie after work.

It was two so I paged my interns to the E.R, they need to learn how to intubate properly. George and Lexie came fast. It took Mike five minutes to get here, not acceptable. "If you want to be a surgeon you sprint when you're paged. Am I clear?" I asked Mike, he nodded. "Okay then, now you guys have to learn to intubate if you have any hope of scrubbing in anytime soon," I said. "So when someone emergent comes in I'll yell for one of you and be ready. Untill then, get a patient." Dr. Sloan was in surgery so he wouldn't need me for the rest of the day, untill tonight of course. I desperately stitched up people, waiting for a surgical case to arrive.

Finally, practice for a lucky intern. The paramedics came in right on time, "Young adult male in a car accident. He has large contusions on the left side of his head." I checked his pupils, unresponsive.

"Is this man an organ donor?" I asked the paramedic lady.

"I don't know, he didn't have his lisense."

"O'Malley you're up," I yelled while motioning him to come here. He walked over and assessed the patient.

"Dr. Carter, is he brain dead?" George asked me.

"His pupils aren't responsive but we need to run more tests to be sure. So intubate him," he got the message and did as I said while I examined for any more injuries. He did it very well for an intern. "Very good George, couldn't of done it better myself."

"Thank you," he stated and then left to do stitches.

"Mike," I shouted. "Look through this man's phone and find the family please." After that I told Lexie to take the man up to CT, to check if the organs were viable and intact. I looked at the clock, only three hours till the bar with Sloan. The thought made me grin, should I go home with him if that's how the night goes? Or should I be good for once?

AN: Lillian and Mark might be a thing? ;) Please vote if you like the story, I'm always up for ideas too. Comment what you like about Crash Cart.

PS: Midterms are soon so I won't update for a couple of weeks, I'll be back at Christmas break.
Thanks for reading! :)

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