Chapter 9

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- After Surgery -

"Dr. Shepard that was exhilarating! I never spent six hours so intent on a craniotomy before, I mean of course I paid attention during all the other surgeries, but that was invigorating. I learned more about benign tumors of the brain today, than in my whole intern year," I finally finished and let him speak. He had just taken off his scrub cap and was grinning at my enthusiasm. I couldn't blame him, I guess I do sound like an adoring fan, but that doesn't matter. He needs to know how much I appreciate the learning experience, even if he gets paid to do it.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the process, it's refreshing to find someone who feels the same about neurosurgery. Are you interested in the field?" Shepard asked while scrubbing his hands.

I wanted to say, 'I am now that you're my attending' but that sounded creepy after I thought about it. It's true though, neurology has always interested me and the oncology service here doesn't come close to it. With nothing else to say, I told him the truth, "I'm undecided at the moment, but neuro is definitely at the top of my list." He smiled at that notion, I could absolutely get used to working with him.

"I know every other specialty says the same thing, but the brain is easily the most satisfying and intriguing organ you'll ever see. Trust me, I've been working with it for years," he replied, might I add, perfectly. Everything he just stated was utterly true, maybe neuro is the place for me. I have no need to worry, there are four more years to decide my specialty. I might need to worry about being tempted towards one for the instructor. "Carter?" I heard in the middle of my thought process, Crap how long have I been standing here with the water running like a freak.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something," I replied, trying not to sound crazy. He laughed, thank goodness. I've got to get out of here before I make an even bigger fool of myself. Oh no, I almost forgot, the Mark incident. He saw me squirm in there with Mark, no, Dr. Sloan next to me. I have got to stop calling him Mark.

"You're fine, Will you check Mr. Chen's mental status when he wakes up in a couple hours?" Shepard asked. Im off at 8, but I was going to stay after anyway.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow for rounds," I said. He gave me a quick nod before leaving the scrub room. Immediately a weight was lifted off my chest, no more awkward small talk. I hate small talk where it's inappropriate to make jokes or be sarcastic, the conversation gets too dull for my liking.

I killed some time by watching Mark, AH, Dr. Sloan in surgery, for academic purposes of course. His back was facing me, so he would never know I was watching, but I wouldn't care if he did. I'm solely here to get an adequate experience in the medical field of surgery, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

After a sufficient amount of time I left to search for my interns, the rascals. George is by far the best with hands on work, and Lexie with the academic stuff, but I don't like Mike. Im pretty sure he's just in surgery for the money, I detest those kinds of people. You have to have passion for surgery, and he has none. I might have a little talk with him later, because he's not here at the moment. George and Lexie are getting off a 24 hour shift at 10, so I might take them out for drinks later. I guess I should get to know George a little better since we're roommates now.

On my way to the ER my pager buzzed, Lexie needs help. I didn't waste my time on the elevator and ran down the stairs to patient room 120. When I got there, I saw Karev administering CPR on my patient, post surgery from Dr. Thomas, the cardiac surgeon.

Lexie started yelling, "I was walking her around the hall and she went into cardiac arrest, BP is plummeting." I ran over to beside Karev and told the RN to give the necessary drugs. Without another word I was handed the charging handles for the defibrillator.

All the steps came naturally to me and I focused on saving a life. "Charging to 200," I said, "Clear." The first one did nothing. "Charging to 300, Clear!" Still nothing I looked up at the monitor while Karev continued CPR. "1 mg of epinephrine," I waited a minute. "Okay charge to 360, Clear!" No sign of heart rhythm. "Keep massaging, we need 300 mg of amiodarone. Charging, clear!" The process went on for a few more minutes before we determined there was no sign of life, my first death of a patient at Seattle Grace. "Time of death, 19:35," I stated, sullenly.

Alex ripped of his gloves and threw them in the trash violently, this girl was only 20. "Lexie I'm going to need a full report," I said, but she already knew. I looked over at Karev, "Do want to come and inform the family? I know you were close to this case." His fists tightened but he solemnly nodded and agreed to come with me.

"She was one of the good ones," he said.

"I know, she survived the valve replacement with Dr. Thomas. I thought she was out of the woods."

"Life's not fair," Karev declared before facing the parents. I could tell he was as sad inside as I was, he just didn't show it.

We dolefully told the parents, the worst part of the job. I don't like Karev for what he did to Lexie, but he's a good doctor.

I'm posting at least every two weeks so watch out. :) Votes and comments as always are appreciated. Thank you.

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