Chapter 2

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Naruto sighed and flopped down on his bed. He built a house on the very top of the Kage mountain he was lucky to have the entire Plateau to himself. He had a training area, a huge garden which he spent most of his free time maintaining and an indoor/outdoor onsen that was just for him.

The village donated the land to him and he created a house that he only imagined of in his dreams. He kicked off his shoes and whispered a small 'kai'.

Naruto stood up from the bed and went to look at himself in the mirror, "What am I going to do about you?"

Staring at the reflection, Naruto's clothes had become really large, and his or rather her hair had grown to it's full length. Naruto sighed in frustration, and shed her clothing leaving it on the floor. She stood in the mirror admiring her own body, it was exactly what she imagined she would be like when she created the sexy justu maybe even more gorgeous. For one her whisker marks were barely existant and her breast were slightly bigger than Hinatas but nothing close to what Tsunade had. Her legs were long and her thighs thick, Naruto's waist thinned just right were her hair ended.

Naruto sighed again her voice was sweeter and smaller than when she was a man. She wrapped herself in a towel and went to the onsen. She got in and felt her muscles relax as the hot water engulfed her body.

Naruto sunk into the water as Deep as her mouth and just sat there, she knows she should've scrubbed first but this just felt really good, especially after her day.

"Good morning, Lord Hokage you wanted to see me?" the entire sentence was utter sarcasm from the pinkette and Naruto grunted at the girl.

"Sakura-chan." Naruto was desperate and Sakura dropped her act to be sincere towards her friend. When Naruto saw the look on Sakura's face change she activated a privacy barrier.

"Sakura, I can't parade around like this any longer. What should I do?" Naruto cried releasing her fuinjutsu henge.

Sakura was gobsmacked Naruto was very strong up to this point and she never knew the girl to become such mush except when it involved Sasuke.

"Naruto I don't really know what to say. What's wrong with who you are?" Sakura asked the question but it was clear what was going on.

"The village trusts me but I lie to them everyday. You wouldn't even have known were you not my doctor." Sakura paused after Naruto said that, the other woman was being awful and Sakura felt as though she didn't deserve this.

"Naruto you're being a real BITCH! I care about you and I want to help but if you're just gonna treat me like I'm a liability stop calling me to talk about your girl problems!" Sakura was fuming and was glad when she saw the blonde recede into her chair.

"Sakura-chan." Naruto uttered, "I'm sorry I just wanna be me. I've been acting my entire life and now I'm sitting here acting to enjoy my job. I can't love a woman, I want to be in love Sakura. I can't do that as this fake!"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Sakura immediately disappeared. Naruto released the barrier around the room but not before transforming into her male self.

"Come in." The blondes voice was gruff now. Naruto focused on the paperwork infront of her, she sensed the chakra signature of her former male teammate and as he walked towards the table she shivered at what fate had done.

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