Chapter 8

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Naruto was elated once again it had been 4 months since her and Sasuke became official, and he had fully accepted Narumi's pregnancy. He was happy to be a father.

The man had been at her every beck and call, every hospital appointment, and every craving.

She found it was complicated to keep her henge up as she started showing.

Her fuinjutsu to be male was also getting a bit chubby, and she couldn't hide the baby bump. There would be times when she used too much chakra, and the disguise would falter. Luckily, it was when she trained alone in the forest.

She prepared the best suit that she could and was supposed to administer the wedding of her friends Ino and Choji.

The wedding would be on her land, and everything was bustling outside.

Her garden had been set up to create a picturesque day for the couple, and there were flowers chairs and drapes all over. Spring time had rolled around, and the butterflies in her garden fluttered so perfectly for the day. Under the Sakura blossom, she should make sure that they were tied together forever.

Naruto loved love.

Of course, she would accompany Sasuke as a clone of her true form while the real her hosted the ceremony. It was the perfect farce. Everyone already knew that Sasuke had a girlfriend for a while now, and they had all welcomed Narumi into the group openly. No one was suspicious as her smell was different when she was a female. So that ruled out Kiba and her chakra signature fooled every body else. Things were on the right track. Naruto could live as a double for the rest of her life.

Guests started arriving at her mansion, and she welcomed them in her male counterparts figure.

It was only the Konoha 11  and Temari that came as Choji would rather enjoy a small ceremony and have a big feast with their friends.

The kind man really had humbled Ino as everyone knew she would want to show off her nuptials to everyone in Konoha. She didn't put up much of an argument, but she did make sure every decoration would be beautiful. She at least wanted nice pictures.

Naruto hosted a beautiful ceremony, and now the drinking would begin.

The Konoha 11 spent the day laughing, bringing up memories from the academy, and how Ino was always annoyed by Choji.

"It's not over until the fat man sings." This was Naruto he teased Choji, completely forgetting about Chojis affliction to the word.

Choji started fuming from the ears.

"I'm big boned." He growled. Everyone stepped back, including Ino. Naruto deserved this. No one calls her husband fat and gets away with it. Not even the hokage.

"N-now Choji. The fat man could be anyone. I could be the fat man." Naruto genuinely looked scared as he waved his hands behind his head sheepishly.

Ino giggled, " You better run Naruto. "

Naruto turned on his heel and ran through the garden. Everyone laughed as the two animated lyrics chased after each other. It was just like old times.

Naruto managed to trip over a rock but caught himself with his chakra  basically levitating.

This gave Choji a chance to catch up and grab Naruto by the collar. Choji cocked his hand back and punched the Hokage in the face.

Naruto collapsed on the ground. This worried his friends as the blonde would normally just get right back up, but he stayed on the ground.

With a puff of smoke, everyone ran to the man on the ground.

"Naruto! Naruto! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Choji was mortified as he couldn't see his friend beyond the white clouds.

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