Chapter 11

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Naruto writhed in pain.
This was bad. The stabbing sensation of each contraction was nothing like she ever felt before. Sakura was her midwife and she sat beside the blonde catering to her every need.

This included ice-chips and words of affirmation.

"Sakura." The woman cried. She decided on a home birth and now needed some opioids to numb the pain but Sakura refused to do this in the case that the baby might become affected.

It was Naruto's decision in the first place and with contractions coming every 5 minutes now it was too late.

"Sakura, please get it out." She complained again, her breathing was ragged and Sakura hated seeing her in pain.

"Naruto I know it hurts but you have to endure this okay? Your beautiful baby is on its way." She cooed and rubbed the damp hair off her forehead.

Sakura was prepared with a bucket of warm water, lots of towels and a med-kit with clamps and weight scale and breathing pump.

Sakura placed a hand on the small of Naruto's back and massaged the spot that would help relieve her pain.

"Let's stand up and walk around okay." She suggested. She knew walking would help remove the struggle of giving birth and even help get the baby out quicker.

Naruto got up from her bed. Her night gown dropping on the floor around her. She placed a hand on the small of her back. She was happy that there was no need for an audience. Kurama wouldn't escape and risk her dying and there wasn't a seal in place for them to fix during birth. Her dues were paying off.

"I wish you had a daddy." She whispered to her stomach still panting.

Sakura sighed at this statement. Naruto was still oblivious to what she had done to herself. She knew about the seals on her body but she refused to release it saying she knew there was a reason they were there.

Naruto grabbed onto the dresser beside her and squatted.

"Gyaaaaah!" She shouted as another earthshattering stab seared through her body.

"Fuck!" She panted as the pain went away again.

Sakura's ears perked as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards the bedroom. They sounded rushed. Naruto looked at her desperately.

"Send then away!" She demanded, "No one can see me like this." Her aura was serious and Sakura couldn't help but scamper away. Naruto was scary as a woman and this showed even more while she was giving birth.

Sakura sprinted down the corridor as she came face to face with the culprit.

"Sakura. Is Naruto okay?" He was really calm for someone who's hair looked disheveled. He looked very unkempt and his breathing seemed labored while sweat dripped down his face.

"Why are you here?" She drew a junai from her pouch. This was wonderful timing.

"I need to see her." Was all the man said as he reached his hand out showing that he wasn't a threat.

"Your timing is perfect." She basically spat the words at him, sarcasm evident in her voice. What a time for his return.

"She doesn't want to see you." She continued.

Sasuke scowled at the woman before him. He wouldn't take this. Naruto was his. He had been stupid and he missed her everyday on his journey.



Sasuke sat in a coffee shop just outside the village of Konoha. The autumn leaves had just started falling and the months of his travels were dull.

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