Chapter 14- Everythings Fine

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Mike woke up in a white hospital room he felt dizzy and nauseous, he looked at his arm, it was in a bandage and he had small band aids and bandages covering his face and arms, even some on his stomach and chest. Whatever Billy did he's got good aim. He looked to his left and saw Nugget slumped down in a chair, on his right was another bed that looked to have a female sleeping but it was hard to tell from a curtain that hung between them.

Nugget stirred and eventually opened his eyes. His eyes lit up the moment they saw Mike sitting up and alright he attacked him with a hug and told Mike everything from the last 24 hours.

Mike had been out for about a day, Lily a little less, though she hadn't woken up yet. Nugget told him everything about Lily's battle with Billy and when she wakes up there all going to be witnesses in court to Billy's trail.

"Nugget is glad everything worked out," Nugget said with a slight lisp.

"More or less, were going to half to apologize to the families of everyone we lost," Mike said, Nugget nodded his head.

Suddenly they heard stirring from the other bed, Nugget ran to the other bed and said hello to Lily.

"Everything alright, Pretty Lily?" Nugget asked helping her sit up.

"Yeah, I think so," She said examining the damage on her arm, it was wrapped just like Mike's. She had a few scratches on her face but other then that she seemed totally fine.

One again Nugget recalled all that happened in the last 24 hours, gently telling her about Billy's trail, thankfully she understood. But she still started to cry, all Nugget could really do was let her do so.

The two sat in silence as Lily cried her heart out. Mike took the time to reflect, everything had happened so fast to think it only took a few hours for it all to happen. He felt to guilty for Lily she had lost her older brother her support, He knows that him and Nugget are also her best friends but, Billy's her brother.

Soon enough the nurse came in to give the two a rundown on their conditions, Lily was fine other then her arm which wasn't broken but the skin was shredded she couldn't move it very much.

Mike on the other hand, had a broken arm and was going to get multiple scars, though he didn't mind, scars are reminders to what you've survived.

Nugget was fine he was practically untouched my Billy.

Everyone's injuries where much worse on the inside, they all witnessed death so many times they'd have to go to therapy for a very long time, especially Lily.

Everything was over, now it was time to go home.

The End
I hope you guys enjoyed my story tell me what you though of it!!

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