Chapter 5- Students?

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There Mrs. Applegate stood as the other students surrounded her. She was still overweight but she seemed to slim down a bit. Still in her magenta and blue dress and her hair up in a tight bun.

"Good to see you again, Mrs. Applegate," Billy said looking at the other kids who stood next to her.

Everyone was there. Cindy, Jerome, Buggs, Monty, Nugget, and now Lily, Billy, and Mike. The janitor and the principal, also known as Jerome's father stood in the hall looking back at all the students.

"Huh, weird reunion I guess," Buggs said in a deep voice.

"Uh, yeah I guess," Lily squeaked from behind her brother.

"Can anyone explain what's going on?" Jerome said he was a lot taller then Mike expected, maybe 6 feet now. His black hair was swept to the side of his face. He wore a white sleeveless T-shirt and had some muscle on his arms. Jeans and black running shoes to top it all off.

"Did everyone here get a letter?" Monty asked. His curly red orange hair wild on his head, he wore a dark green plaid shirt with a black shirt underneath, and black jeans.

There were a collection off "yes" and "yeah" until Cindy chimes in.

"Well, we're all here. What now?" She wore a pink sleeveless dress and white heels. Her long blonde hair in curls.

"I don't know," Mike said hesitantly putting his hands in his pockets. "Wait, I guess."

There was a painful silence after that. Until Buggs started to get annoyed.

"Ok so maybe this was a whole bunch of bull crap, how 'bout we just head home?" He said sarcastically, before rushing to the doors. He turned the handle. Nothing. He turned it again. Nothing.

"Uh Guys," he turned back to the group. "The door won't open."

"Really? Huh, isn't that convenient," Jerome said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Well, I guess we just wait till-"

An ear piercing scree came from the schools speaker system.

"Welcome one and all! I'm so happy all of you excepted my invitation, shall we begin?"
Hey sorry it's been such a long freaking time! I hope I'll be able to write more. Although school is staring for me in a few weeks so... Yeah.
Anyway, I have a question!

Who's your favorite character from Kindergarten 2 (not counting the characters from the original game)?

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