"I can see why you are so stressed out and you're right, it's not healthy for the baby," Dr. Burrows replied, "But we will get you back in good shape in no time. You are very dehydrated so we are going to keep here overnight and make sure you get the fluids that you need. Unfortunately, I am not going to feed you just yet as I'm not sure if you will be able to keep anything down. I'll check on you throughout the night and then we will give you some food in the morning. Now I'll leave you two for now, but I'll be back shortly."

After Dr. Burrows left the room Nicole looked over at Ryan who looked just as exhausted as she felt. She patted the bed beside her and smiled. His eyes gleamed as he returned her smiled and then sat down beside her. He took her small hand in his and squeezed it gently before lifting it up to his lips and kissing it softly. She hoped that the feelings she felt from that little gesture were not obvious to him as the hair on her neck stood up and a shudder traveled through her body.

"Are we ever going to catch a break?" Nicole mumbled more to herself than to Ryan, "Because I have had more than enough."

"I hope so," Ryan responded with a small chuckle, "I'm not sure how much more of this you can handle. The only people I'm concerned about right now are you, Hudson and that little guy."

Nicole looked up at Ryan when he placed his hand gently on her stomach and she smiled. Her heart melted when he smiled back at her and she saw nothing but love in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Thank you for being here with me," Nicole whispered.

"There is nowhere I would rather be," he whispered back.

Beth walked out of Anna's room and let the door slam behind her. She was angry and heartbroken. Anna had told her everything and Beth couldn't believe that all of these unforgiveable things were done by her little sister. She had no idea that Anna was capable of the things that she admitted to. Beth did not recognize the horrible person Anna had become and she didn't know how to fix it. Right now she wished her parents were there and not living across the world as missionaries, or she would have gone straight to them for advice.

Officer Simons was standing at the nurse's station when she walked out.

"Anna is all yours," Beth said, "Her version of the events will make you see how wrong you were about Nicole."

She turned her back on the officer and walked down the hall towards where Nicole had been earlier, but she didn't find her there. She did however, see an orderly cleaning up a fair amount of vomit off the floor. She looked around and a doctor was making her way towards her with a little smile on her face.

"Are you Beth?" the doctor asked.

Beth nodded in response.

"I'm Dr. Burrows," she said, "Nicole has been admitted into the hospital. She is extremely dehydrated and she is unable to keep anything down. I can show you to her room if you would like."

"I just need a couple minutes," Beth replied, "Is it the room that you I saw you come out of?"

"Yes," Dr. Burrows replied, "Take all the time you need, Nicole is expecting you."

Beth walked out of Anna's room and let the door slam behind her. She was angry and heartbroken. Anna had told her everything and Beth couldn't believe that all of these unforgiveable things were done by her little sister. She had no idea that Anna was capable of the things that she admitted to. Beth did not recognize the horrible person Anna had become and she didn't know how to fix it. Right now she wished her parents were there and not living across the world as missionaries, or she would have gone straight to them for advice.

Officer Simons was standing at the nurse's station when she walked out.

"Anna is all yours," Beth said, "Her version of the events will make you see how wrong you were about Nicole."

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