"She... God. I came here to wait for you and then there was smoke. Fire erupted from everywhere. She helped me out but... She got stuck."

"Who? Blake? Who?"

"Joanne... Joanne Lyndon," Blake sniveled while staring at his grimoire. "I can't find a spell to get her out!"

Damnit! Jaxon had grown up with Joanne. She was never far away from Elliott and always bandaged the brothers when they had gotten into a fight. Why was she still here?

"What the hell happened?" Kai's voice echoed over the raging fire as he and Elliott reached them.

"Damnit, they must have done this," Elliott exclaimed grimly.

"Who?" Owen asked with rage in his eyes.

"Mark Rowe and some other students. Ronan sends them to attack Pyramus Marshall, but they failed," Elliott nodded towards the house," they must have thought burning down our home would make up for the failure."

"Elliott, she is still inside," Jaxon shouted.



Elliott froze for a moment before rushing towards the mansion. Kai grabbed onto him and pulled him back before the flames engulfed him.

"Are you daft?"

Owen came to help as Elliott refused to relent as he shouted for Joanne and tried to rush in.

"That is no way to help, you will need to think-"

"She is carrying my child!"

Owen and Kai almost released Elliott in shock but Mya saved the day by slapping her son.

"I know, but you will be of no help to her dead."

All turned toward her this time in confusion as she watched the mansion with a grim look on her face.

"We have to do something," Blake said meekly."I'm trying to find a spell-"

"Dear, I have already figure out how to do this but I need help. I called for it a while ago-" Mya lit up as two figures rushed towards them."And they have arrived."

Jaxon knew of one of them, the science teacher Ciaran MacGreine who is also the teacher of Arcane Magic. He looked strange with his dark brown skin and white hair along with the purple eyes that distinguished him as a fae. The other one though was unknown.

"Mr. Nemain!" Blake exclaimed answering Jaxon's unasked question. The Justicar.

"Fancy meeting you again, Mr. Oakley. Though I had preferred meeting you again under less stressful circumstances," Nemain said with a gentle smile before turning to Mya. "Elemental fusion?"

"That is what I have in mind. I have control over wind, Mr. MacGreine here can control water, and from what I have heard you are a master of fire."

"That is correct, then let's do it. I fear the young lady stuck inside does not have much time," Nemain said and the three people stood facing each other. All three reached into the circle they formed with one hand. A flame hovered over Nemain's hand, water circled Ciaran while wind gushed around Mya.

All three started to speak at the same time. Repeating one sentence. Jaxon could not recognize the language but could distinguish they did not speak the same words. All three said the words in a strange rhythm, it did not sound like a spell but more of a chant from a monastery and each time a word was said the air trembled with the power coming out of the three.

Steam suddenly rose when the snow melted and was lifted to the sky which flashed with lightning as clouds appeared to cover the moon. Blake stared at the three reaping the words like he was helping them, not really noticing the incoming rain so Jaxon took it upon himself to cover Blake up with his jacket to ensure he did not become wet.

Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone days (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now