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It was inevitable. Though he knew that it did not make it any less great to be of that realization. He found himself stuck in the same position that he had always been in. At someone else's mercy. This time, however, he could not really find himself to be all that upset over it. It was his Lan Zhan whose mercy he was placed in after all, how could he be upset with it. He could not. He knew that Lan Zhan only wanted what was the best for him and that was why he was even doing this in the first place. It was not the point, however, and Wei Ying was more than happy to simply dodge doing any of this. He did not want to think about the past, about what had happened in that dreaded place, and though he knew that everyone, including Lan Zhan, was curious about it, he simply did not want to speak on such things. Especially Lan Zhan, actually. the other had protected him and sacrificed so much to him that he could not really justify not telling Lan Zhan. the other had done so much for him that Wei Ying would always be in his debt. No matter how many lifetimes passed.

It was more than him just not wanting to think about it, however, and everyone was more than well aware of that. Wei Ying felt that Lan Zhan deserved to know more than anyone else. He was determined that Lan Zhan would figure everything out even if he did not speak to him about the entire situation. Lan Zhan was not oblivious, he was incredibly observant. Though the elder may not speak much, it was clear that he was very intelligent in his own right. He knew that Lan Zhan would find out sooner or later, and Wei Ying wanted Lan Zhan to know from him, rather than from someone else, or from a realization that he had made. He felt that maybe if Wei Ying told Lan Zhan, perhaps whatever actions which he feared that Lan Zhan would take would be less, perhaps he would be more merciful. He already knew that Lan Zhan was aware of the...strange cultivation method which he had developed, and Lan Zhan had not condemned him then, had not even thought of it so far as Wei Ying was aware. 

What he was more frightened of is how Lan Zhan would react to the way in which he had been forced to cultivate and perfect that method. He was also just a little unnerved by what Lan Qiren's reaction would be given the fact that this was a method which Wei Yin had suggested in the first day of class and the other definitely had not taken well to his mere suggestion of that fact, let alone the fact that he had actually gone and done the very thing that Lan Qiren had thought was impossible...he doubted that the old man would be too pleased at having been proved wrong...That was somewhat unnerving.

Wei Ying felt like he kind of...owed Lan Zhan. Of course he did, anyone would owe Lan Zhan if Lan Zhan did what he had done for Wei Ying. Though Wei Ying was incredibly possessive though many may not see it of him, and he knew that Lan Zhan was not likely to do the same thing for others as he had been willing to do for himself. He definitely at the very least owed the other man for caring for him, for dealing with his atrocious behavior when he had been a student of the Cloud Recesses, and he most certainly owed the man for a lot more than just that. Lan Zhan was his everything, and in his eyes, the other deserved to at the very least know what caused him to act so odd lately. Lan Zhan had cared for him quite a bit the last few days and so Wei Ying knew that the other was worried for him, and that merely strengthened the little resolve that he had already. 

The biggest thing was, Wei Ying knew that Lan Zhan would not push something unless he felt that it was vitally important. It was this that caused Wei Ying to know that there was something going on. He realized that there had to be, the fact that he was being forced to this meeting among the Lan Clan was enough to realize such a thing, but Wei Ying knew and understood more than just that. He was happy that he was about to lay everything off of his chest. Even if it complicated matters. Wei Ying knew very well that what he was going to tell them would complicate matters. It would do more than just complicated matters, and Wei Ying was not looking forwards to that, it was never a good things when matters got more complicated than they were supposed to originally be.

What he had been forced to do in the haunted place was more than anyone should ever have to do. It was...dark, and morbid, things of nightmares and horror stories which one told to disobedient children not things that were actually coming to pass. He did not really want to speak about it, he wanted to protect them from the horrific memories and images that would undoubtedly be going through their minds. Wei Ying was known for his tall stories, but this was no story that was for sure. This was truth, what he would relay to them, and he could only worry that they would hate him for it.

He was worried also, what the others would think of him when they realized that he had done far worse things within that evil place than not. What would they think, how would they react...Lan Zhan react? Lan Zhan...his precious and sweet Lan Zhan. He was scared mostly of that.

It was nothing but a waiting game, one which he definitely did not want to deal with.

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