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It had been a month. A month in which Wei Wuxian had disappeared. Despite many searches for the teen, none could find him. As time went on, less searches were conducted, and more effort placed in destroying the Wen Clan. It was getting closer and closer to the time of battle, and every person who could be spared was needed.

It was on the battlefield that he showed up. Lan Zhan had been surprised, but not too much. He had thought perhaps the Wen Clan had kidnapped Wei Wuxian, even if he did not understand why they would do so. Lan Zhan had felt someone come up behind him and block and attack from his back. Glancing behind him, Lan Zhan had been momentarily struck dumb. It was Wei Wuxian. He did not have a sword, but rather a flute. His aura seemed different, subtly different, but Lan zhan definitely noticed it. He used his flute to defend, and was surprisingly good at it. They had very little time. Swiftly, whilst in the. Middle of the fight, Wei Wuxian explained what had happened over the month in vague terms, and Lan zhan knew he was skipping over a lot of stuff, but, he understood the just of it. It was difficult to talk during the middle of a battle, and he and Wei WuXian were lucky that they had managed as well as they had already. It was dangerous, but they were both incredibly talented Cultivators and if Wei WuXian felt the need to speak to him during the middle of the battle, Lan Zhan already knew that it was because it was important. Wei Wuxian had done something none could do before. Mastered Demonic cultivation. Not many knew of Demonic cultivation and the only reason Lan Zhan did was because he regularly read ancient tomes. Wei Wuxian must have remembered this as Lan Zhan was the first and only person he told. He had mentioned how he had been ambushed during the scount and had told the others to go back to the cloud recesses, while he went to head them off. Since most of them were a year or so younger, they did not question him.

Even Lan Zhan knew it would have been difficult for Wei Wuxian, tired, hungry, and cold, to manage to fight off an entire sect of scouts alone, no matter his cultivation talent. He had mentioned something about the Wen Clan feeling threatened by him. How they had taken his sword and chained him up in the dungeons. He looked as though he were desperate for forgiveness when he told Lan Zhan that in the month that he was in the Wen Clan dungeons he had crafted the flute, and created a musical demonic craft. Unlike straight demonic cultivation, it was less intense, and slightly easier to resist, as it had a stabilizer. Lan Zhan could not ask what it was simply too nervous to even dare to think about what it could be, and instead just grabbing him quickly, and giving him a very slight smile, which was all Wei Wuxian needed to know that Lan Zhan was not angry with him, before they once more continued to battle it out, this time without words. 

During the middle, the fight was getting fiercer, more people on theor side were being injured, exhausting was taking its deadly toll,  causing more mistakes. It seemed as though, despite their best efforts, they would not be able to do this. To win over the Wen Sect, which was definitelynot an option. They had to defeat the Wen Clan. Wei Wuxian had glanced at Lan Zhan, which was all Lan Zhan needed to know what the boy was asking.

He was confused. Even if he knew what Wei Wuxian was asking, he was confused as to why the other was asking him. Of everyone it made little sense considering there were his family on the field. Yet, Wei Wuxian had chosen him of all people. 

Something suddenly flew to the forefront of his mind, something Jiang Cheng had said during their talks of Wei Wuxian. He never really got stability at home. He was punished for following the rules, and punished for not. Half the time he was punished for things he did not do, or could not have even done. Even I took advantage of Mother's anger at the boy infiltrating the house, or so she claimed. You are the first person who only ever used punishment for its intended use. You never punished anyone without a reason, and if there was no evidence to prove that they are the ones who had done it, you refused to punish. Not to mention, the punishments which you gave never exceeded the severity of the crime. He admired that, and while first he may have been testing your resolve, he began to truly look up to you, and depend on you. Care about what you thought, and your decisions. I don't really understand why he would choose you over anyone else in the Lan sect, but he would do anything you said, even if he may question it. It is as though despite everything, you are the one he trusted most, and I still get jealous. It was then that he understood, and Lan Zhan realized, upon gazing at the slightly anxious look in Wei Wuxian's eyes, that the boy was indeed asking permission, from the only person whom he knew would do the right thing, and give a decision he could depend on. He looked to Lan Zhan because Lan Zhan had proved himself able to make difficult decisions, to do the right thing no matter what, to fight for justice in everything, and since Wei Wuxian did not know what to do, did not know if what he wanted to do was the right choice, he was asking Lan Zhan instead. Depending on him. 

With that understanding, Lan Zhan gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod of his head.
Without a moment's hesitation, Wei Wuxian flew up to a statue, placed the flute to his lips, and began to play. It was beautiful, and dark. Smooth and soft, yet with a harsh edge to it that chilled the core. Lan Zhan guarded him fiercely, from both friend and foe, not quite understanding where this sudden urge to protect him from everyone came from, even from his own sect, but indulging it nonetheless. It was not exactly a secret that he had been protective of Wei Wuxian before. Slowly, black tendrils of smoke began to gather around the flute, growing greater, and greater, until it engulfed him, his hair gently waved softly behind him, his garments billowing in a soft breeze as he played. The dark smoke then launched out into the battlefield. Taking down the puppets created from the Yin Metal one by one, and the dark creatures cowering away, eventually dissolving into nothingness. 

The battle was won, even if Wei Wuxian had used and extremely dangerous, and unstable form of cultivation to help them win.

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