Concerned Wangji

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He had been in the middle of readying the room, and preparing the place to hold two people rather than just himself, when out of the corner of his eye he had seen Wei Ying falter. At first, it may seem as though it was nothing, the other may have just been in awe of something, and Lan Zhan knew that Wei Ying had a habit of stopping suddenly when something shocking held his eye. Though, Lan Zhan knew it was more than that. The other had barely been able to sleep the past few days, and it did not surprise him when he saw Wei Ying's knees tilt somewhat dangerously towards the floor. 

Lan Zhan effortlessly caught Wei Ying as he fell to the floor, body tumbling down. He had seen something similar to this coming. The boy exhausted himself. He had been pushing himself over and over and over again, something which Lan Zhan had tried multiple times when the youth was staying at the Cloud Recesses during his Uncle's lectures, to stop. It would seem, however, that the other was a much better actor than many gave him credit for. He was more than exhausted, having pushed himself to the very brink of the edge, before finally feeling safe and calm enough to tumble over into oblivion. 

Lan Zhan was not impervious to his acting either, though he was far more immune than he would give himself credit for being. He knew that the other was bound to be exhausted. After all, he had not been getting much sleep from the nightmares, which were not only incredibly bad, but the other was having them nightly as of late. Not to mention the battle against the Wens had exhausted him already, and who knew how long it was before that when the youth was able to get a decent sleep. The other had obviously been dealt a rough had because of the Wens, and they were not aware of how long before he had managed to escape the Wen hold it was that he had eaten, slept, rested. Even in the Cloud Recesses, something like decent sleep Lan Zhan could not say was a clear factor. Though he had made sure that the younger boy ate every day. Therefore, Lan Wangji should not be so totally surprised that the other had tumbled down the moment that he felt comfortable enough to allow the feeling of exhaustion to wash over him. However, at the feeling of Wei Ying falling into his arms, allowing his exhaustion to finally take over him and feeling comfortable enough to allow such a thing whilst in Lan Zhan's presence really made it difficult for Lan Zhan to feel bad about the fact that he had not been one hundred percent prepared for such a thing. Though that just made him feel guilty for enjoying such a thing which had been caused by utter exhaustion on Wei Ying's part. He could not stop it, however, and he felt his heart beat faster as the other lay within his arms comfortably. 

He guarded Wei Ying with his heart, his mind, and his body. He would protect the younger no matter what happened or who he had to go through in order to do so. It was something that the LANs were known for, zealous love. Protective natures which were nurtured by the thousands of rules which they were to abide by, and the general possessiveness which came with that.

 He supposed that Wei Ying realized that Lan Zhan would do everything within his power and more in order to protect him, and probably had realized that long ago. As much as Lan Qiren may not like it, Wei Ying stole Lan Zhan's eyes the moment he caught the youth scaling the walls of the Cloud Recesses with a smile and bright and twinkling eyes. He knew that it was against the rules, but found it so hopelessly difficult to remain stern at the boy. The joy that the other saw. At First Lan Zhan was wondering whether he was even capable of being serious, but the other had quickly resolved him of such beliefs. He knew that the other was serious. He was certainly not the type to take things easily, as long as it was something which was vitally important. He had seen that when they were on hunts, and when he investigated certain things.

Though, perhaps the youth had caught his eyes much before that. When he had first returned to the Cloud Recesses, and met with a sect of guest disciples. He had not ever used a muting spell on those not directly under the Lan Clan, and yet he had done so without hesitation on Wei Ying multiple times. Now that he thought about that specific thing, he realized that technically the Jiang disciples had not even been guest disciples yet, which meant that technically not only were they not official Lan disciples, they were not even under the rules of the Lan Clan. 

Such a though which he had come to the realization of made his cheeks heat slightly as he realized that he had done such a thing without regard for anything. He had not even hesitated. Then again, there were many things about Wei Ying which had drawn Lan Zhan's eyes to the other without his willing it, or even his knowledge of it.

He most certainly had a childish streak. Lan Zhan knew this. Though, as he gently laid the youth down, he also realized that that was part of the reason that he loved the boy so much. His unbearable energy, the joy which he brought everyone around him, how helplessly reckless he was at times. the rebellion as well. Lan Zhan knew that Wei Ying rebelled against authority quite a bit, which was part of what made it so interesting when it came to Lan Zhan's own interactions with the other.

Lan Zhan would protect him, against anyone, no matter who and no matter what. 

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