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Wei Ying groaned heavily, the sun flashing in his face as he opened his eyes. Had he fallen asleep? He did not really remember being on a bed, in fact he barely really remembered anything at all. All that he could recalled is Lan Zhan, and then...nothing. There was darkness. He sighed at himself, chastising himself for forgetting such things. It was something that he was sure would continue to happen. He tended to drive himself to unconsciousness. Even before what had happened with the Wens, he had a habit of ignoring his need for rest, sleep, and general wellbeing. It was something that drove Jiang Cheng insane. He hated it, ShiJie too, but she was rarely ever able to do anything about that. Other than bring him more food at night while he was studying there was little that she could do about his tendency to drive himself down to the bone.

Slowly, he regained awareness of his surroundings. The first thing he noted, he was not in his clothes. In fact, he was not in his under robes at all. He had never seen these robes before. He assumed that Lan Wangji probably had changed his robes after he had accidentally fell to the void of sleep and in Lan Zhan's arms. At least, he hoped it was Lan Zhan. If someone else had changed him, he did not really know why it would bother him, but it would bother him. 

As he regained consciousness and all five of his senses began to return to him, he heard the tale-tale strum of the Guqin, the instrument which was known to him by...Lan Wangji. He recognized the song as well, and he could not help but smile a bit. Lan Zhan was truly good to him. His smile fell, just a little, as he realized just how unworthy of Lan Zhan he was. The one who...Who was always so good, so perfect, and then there was him. Wei WuXian, a stain on the otherwise perfect robes of Lan Zhan. 

"Wei Ying," He startled, jumping slightly, fear flooding his eyes. He hid it, quickly, to the point where Lan Zhan, had he not been staring straight at Wei Ying intently, he would have easily managed to miss the flash of terror in his eyes. He did not miss it, but he did not bring it up either. It was not the right time for such a conversation. He would not push Wei Ying to speak of things which frightened him either way.

"Lan Zhan," he whispered, unable to hold back the awe from his voice. It was funny. He could always count on Lan Wangji to calm himself down, to bring a sense of serenity and purity to the table. Always calm, like the waters in a lake. It was a feeling which descended upon him each time that he felt the Second Master's presence. He could not help it, it was as though all worry simply fled from him the moment that Lan Zhan walked towards him. Always capturing his eyes, no matter what.

"Where are my robes?" He asked in an uncharacteristically soft voice. 

"Wet." Lan Zhan said simply. Wei Ying smiled, unable to stop himself from doing so. It was beyond his control to be capable of holding the brightening of his eyes and the softening of his smile when Lan Zhan answered in that voice of his. "Take to dry." Wei Ying's smile turned slightly mischievous at that news his holding a glint of playful danger in them.

"Lan Zhaaaaan," Lan Wangji's eyes narrowed onto his at his tone of voice. Lan Wangji had noticed and paid attention to Wei Ying enough to know that tone of voice. He knew what came after that tone of voice as well. 

"Sooo, whose robes are these?" Wei Ying asked, flirtatiously, grabbed a corner of the soft material

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"Sooo, whose robes are these?" Wei Ying asked, flirtatiously, grabbed a corner of the soft material. He momentarily got distracted to admire the beauty of the material. It was so well crafted, it was hard to believe that it was actual cloth. It felt like pure silk. So white too, he hesitated to even look at them given how beautiful that they were.

"Mine," Wei Ying choked on air at the answer. He looked up at Lan Zhan. He had expected the answer, of course. He had even guessed that answer. He had known that it was likely Lan Zhan who had replaced his own robes and therefore had likely exchanged it with some of his own. 

Even though he had known exactly whose robes these were (or at the very least he had assumed that he knew whose they were) he had expected Lan Zhan to just roll his eyes, or call him Shameless. Yet, he had answered his question with confidence. Without any sort of hesitation in any way.

"Lan Zhan," He said with a bright smile. "Progress!" Lan Zhan rolled his eyes. There it was. Ever so familiar. Things that Wei Ying grasped onto. Lan Zhan grabbed his wrist and pulled him upwards. Wei Ying stumbled slightly, grabbing onto Lan Zhan's arm tightly to stabilize himself. 

"Not so fast Lan Zhan!" He yelped. 

"Uncle and Brother wish to gather. Want to speak with Wei Ying." He said simply. Wei Ying's breathing hitched in his chest. Something which Lan Zhan did not fail to notice. Wei Ying gripped Lan Zhan tighter. 

"L-Lan Zh-Zhan is that, is that really necessary?" He asked, voice trembling, filled with nerves. His eyes were wide and terrified. 

"I will stay with Wei Ying."

"P-Promise?" Wei Ying asked. His soft and scared voice broke Lan Zhan. He wanted to...he wanted to break the Wens. To utterly destroy them. 

His eyes, flashed, darkening in his immense anger. Just as they changed, they were back and he grabbed Wei Ying gathering him into his arms.

"Promise." Lan Zhan said, and it seemed to calm Wei Ying.

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