Fruit and Quiren

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It would seem, despite Wei Ying's change from whatever it was that had happened to him during his captivity with the Wen Sect, being around Lan Zhan did him some good. When they had left the Lotus Pier, the first thing that Wei Ying did was jump about and talk incessantly with Lan Zhan. Xichen could only shake his head in amusement as he saw that Lan Zhan watched over Wei WuXian carefully. 

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying said suddenly as they had finally reached over the hills which indicated the border of the Jiang sect. It was a little strange, in XiChen's mind, that the other did not seem the least concerned that he was being taken to the cloud recesses, practically without his permission.

 Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow as he looked at him, face impassive. "Here!" He said, moving over to the elder boy and presented all that he had hidden behind his back. Lan Zhan stared at the fruit in his hands. He then raised his gaze up to Wei Ying, who shook the fruit on front of his face.
"Do not deny it, Lan Zhan, I know you want it. There is no tricking me!" He said, narrowed eyes. "I know you like them, in fact, First Childe Master Xichen told me such, so you cannot possibly deny it." 

This was certainly news to Xichen, as he knew for certain that he had never told Wei Ying this fact. Even if he knew that Lan Zhan enjoyed the fruits immensely, he knew that he had never told Wei Ying such a thing. However, despite him having never told him, Lan Zhan cut him an icy glare, not even questioning Wei Ying. Xichen gasped in offense. How could Lan Zhan...

"Brother, I..."

"Lan Zhan, I am joking," Wei Ying said seriously. Lan Zhan then ignored his brother in favor of watching Wei Ying once more. Xichen scoffed slightly. Seriously? Behind him Lord Quiren could not help but smile ever so slightly. The two elder Lan Clan members watched as Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan's wrist lightly, as though he were scared that Lan Zhan would pull away from him, a different look on his face. A serious one, this time not joking, grip soft, dainty, and gentle as he opened Lan Zhan's hand and placed the fruit inside his palm, before closing his hand around it, and staring deep into the other's intimidating eyes.

"You need to eat, Lan Zhan," he said, voice timid, soft, andd gentle. "Please," he added, pink dusting his cheeks as he laughed nervously, before turning and leading them once more. The two watched as, unknown to Wei Ying, Lan Zhan opened his hand, staring at the fruit with wide eyes, the ever so slight curve of a smile on his lips, before biting into the soft skin of the fruit. Wei Ying glanced back as Lan Zhan did this. He jumped over to Lan Zhan happily.

"See! It is good! I knew that you would like it!" He said excitedly. He then stopped talking. The two walked side by side, arms and shoulders brushing together. It was as though they were the sun and moon, or maybe ying and yang, light and dark. Two totally different people, who found a sense of serenity in the other's presence. This was made even more clear with the fact that Lan Zhan was in pure white, and Wei Ying was dressed in the hues of black and red. Two total opposites one would never think would match together, and yet did somehow.

Lord Qiren watched as the two interacted with watchful, wary, keen eyes. He had though it weird that Lan Zhan had asked for Wei Ying to come back with them to the Cloud Recesses. Lan Zhan had never asked such a thing before, nor did he care to bring guests either. Lan Zhan never brought...anyone into Cloud Recesses, not once. Hence why Lord Qiren had decided to allow this, even if he was loathe to being such a huge troublemaker back to his home. It was the first time Lan Zhan would be bringing anyone to Cloud Recesses during his lifetime. Not to mention, Xichen had made it sound as though Lan Zhan were worried over the youth's inner chi fluctuating too much and causing disturbances. As such, Lord Qiren would never deny a request for aid such as that. 

Yet now, watching the two, he had to say he was surprised. Perhaps Lan Zhan was indeed worried, but watching their interactions. Well, Lord Quiren could not help but see something different. There was something...unique in their interactions together that Lan Qiren could not quite put his finger on. Lan Zhan seemed to be the same indifferent person as before, but for Wei Ying, whenever Lan Zhan looked at him, or watching him, there was more emotion in the second young master childe's eyes than he had ever seen in the young lord's 17 years of living. It was something that he could not quite put into place. How was it that this troublemaker managed to pull more emotion from his nephew than his own family? 

It was not just that, however. Along with Lan Zhan, he knew that the other was someone interesting as well. Wei Ying did not act like his normal self that he had seen around the other disciples when it came to his study in the Cloud Recesses, there was something different with how Wei Ying interacted with his nephew as well. He had seen how the young one watched Lan Zhan with careful eyes. Had seen how Both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan smiled almost imperceptibly when the other requested something on their behalf, seen how Lan Zhan was not angry at Wei Ying's joking as he usually was with others who dared mess around like that. How Lan Zhan did not stop the other from grabbing his arm, and instead of shoving him off, he had allowed Wei Wuxian to hold it, staring at him with almost blank eyes, but those eyes were a bit softer than usual. He noticed that even now, Lan Zhan did not push Wei Ying away, instead allowing him to stand besides him.

How hopelessly curious.

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