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A banquet was prepared. Both to honor Lan Zhan, and Wei Wuxian, whom were given credit for the defeat of the Wen Sect, rightly given, as well as to celebrate Wei Wuxian's return. After a month of being locked inside the Wen Clan's dungeons, his return to the battle despite it all was commended. After all, not many would return straight to a battle field after being held hostage. It was commendable, and even Lan Qiren could not deny it.

Nie Huaisang, a youthful, timid, and yet untalented when it came to cultivation, a very sweet boy whom had clung into Wei Wuxian like a bug during their lectures at the Cloud Recesses, and a friend which Wei Wuxian had made,  rushed up when he had heard that Wei Wuxian was back. He came into the area where Shiji, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Zhan were settled. 

Though Jiang Cheng and his Shiji had initially objected to Lan Zhan's presence, as this dinner was supposed to be for family only, Wei Ying had glared at them and utterly refused to even sit down. No matter how much they had tried, Wei Ying refused. It was not until Lan Zhan had walked in, looking for Wei Ying, that the other had willingly moved from his spot and sat himself down, with Lan Zhan so close their sides were touching.

Nie Hauisang was incredibly excited to see Wei Ying. The other had been worried quite a bit for his friend, whom had disappeared without so much as a trace. Many had believed that he was dead, and Nie Huaisang was one of the few who refused to believe the rumors. There was no way that Wei Ying would allow himself to die, no matter what.

"Brother Wei! I am so glad you are back! I was so worried. I took part in the searches to try and find you but we never found a trace. I am so glad you are back!!" Nie Huaisang moved forwards towards his friend, and went to give Wei Wuxian a hug, like usual. Unlike usual, however, instead of openly accept the hug, Wei Wuxian flinched away, violently, and noticeably moving towards Lan Zhan, body tense. Lan Zhan heard the swift intake of breath, saw the wild look in his eyes. Everyone watched in shock. Nothing like this, for all the things that had been done to him, had happened before. He often craved skinship with others, even to an annoying, clingy extent. To see him visibly move away from the physical contact of a friend was unnerving.  Wei Wuxian seemed to notice everyone was staring, unnerved. He laughed a bit nervously, and gave the others one of his gentle smiles, and looked at Nie Huaisang.

"I am glad to be back! Let me tell you! I've missed annoying Lan Zhan here." He said with a wide smile, and throwing an arm around Wangji. Lan Zhan's keen eyes caught the tremble of Wei Wuxian's hand as he wrapped his arm around the Elder's shoulders as though he were nervous Lan Zhan would do something, but that was wrong...because he was staring at his brother, rather than Lan Zhan. So he was nervous that his brother would do something was he? Lan Zhan was not fond of such an assessment, and mentally cursing the other in his mind (even if it went against the Lan Rules he would offer punishment to himself later kneeling in penance in his room) as Wei Ying placed his eyes once more on Ni Huaisang. If it had been before the disappearance Lan Zhan would have probably shoved his arm off, as it were, he merely endured it, saying nothing. He caught the light intake of breath, as though to steady himself before the touch, and the exhale of relief when nothing happened. He was the only one it seemed. It was...deeply concerning. 

"Ah, of course. You enjoyed that much." With everyone forgetting the incident, Wei Wuxian hastily retreated his hand and stuck it upon his lap, out of sight, a light pink dusting his pale cheeks, and a shy glance at Lan Zhan afterwards. Lan Zhan could see his hand still trembling.
It did not take long for Lan Zhan to notice something off. He had thought there would be, but it surprised him even more that his siblings it seemed did not think too much of it. Wei Wuxian did not really talk. Lan Zhan knew Wei Wuxian's smile, and he saw it drop when the other thought no one was looking. He saw the sadness in his eyes, the darkness in his soul. It was obvious to Lan Zhan. Something had happened during his absence, and it was nothing good. 

The Dark's LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora