𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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They met scavenging for materials at the edge of the border. They thought that they were alone in an apocalyptic wasteland.

Then Y/N heard a cry out in pain which caused her half in her search for food.

"Stay here," She whispered to her younger sister who had her hand clamped around her pant leg.

But the younger girl wouldn't let go. "Nwo," She cried gripping her sister with all her might.

"I'll be back soon," She promised to kiss the top of her sisters head. "You just hide right in here and don't say a word,"

Her younger sister didn't say anything, this had happened many times before. Begging for her sister to stay had gotten her nowhere before so it wouldn't do anything now.

Y/N traveled toward the sound wanting to help whoever was in pain... Though she knew the danger she had to try- because that's what kept her human through the apocalypse.

When she turned the corner though she ran into a man... A young man at that didn't look past twenty. He had hazelnut colored hair that instantly caught Y/N's eye, though quickly she was taken aback by all the blood and dirt covering his torso.

She may have been stuck in the apocalypse but she still made sure to keep somewhat clean... There weren't many Croatian affected people in this area anymore, most being dead or rotting away so they didn't have much conflict anymore.

Though that didn't stop their worries.

Jack was tall compared to the men that she's met, though he was very skinny he looked quite muscular... Though his face was one of a baby and his eyes were warm chocolate that were waiting for her to-

"I don't think I'll ever get used to pain," He sighed glancing down at his bloodied hands. "How do you humans deal with all of this pain?" Suddenly he could feel Y/N's presence.

"Oh hello I'm Jack," He mumbled waving his hand in one motion. "Wow you're the first human I've seen in awhile," The way that this man was acting it was a shock to Y/N that he was still alive.

"Um hello... Are you alright?"

"You care?" He questioned head tilted to the side something he learned from on of his father's. "Not many people seem to care these days,"

"Well I'm not those people... What did this to you... An infected?" She asked glancing down at his bloodied side.

"I did this to myself actually... I tripped, I've been very clumsy since I've become human- I mean since I've been born," Jack explained stumbling upon his words.

"Oh... Well that's a lot of blood and I heard you from over there and I thought that you needed help," She explained as he sighed glancing away from her eyes.

"My dads told me not to talk to strangers,"

"Well, I'm not a stranger you know my name... And it doesn't look like you have the supplies to handle a wound like that,"

"You never told me your name,"

"I'm Y/N... See how we aren't strangers, just let me help you so that I can rest easy that you're going to be alright,"

"Ok..." He murmured hesitantly lifting up his shirt to reveal a large gash, and if Y/N wasn't too focused on all of his skin that was showing she surely would be concerned. "Is it bad?"

This broke Y/N from her train of thought as she quickly gave the young man a small smile. "No, it's not too bad though I think you'll need stitches,"

"Will you do them for me?" He asked the worry clouding up into his voice. "I've only had stitches once,"

"If you want me to I will," Y/N reassured dropping her backpack in front of her and going through the first aid kit she managed to snag from a store a couple of miles away. "Though I think we'll need to get somewhere safer,"

"Where?" He questioned again with the head tilt causing her to laugh.

"Somewhere away from the border... Everyone comes here to get to Canada though I don't think there is anything there,"

"I wouldn't know I'm just looking for my fathers," Jack explained as they began walking toward where Y/N's sister was hidden.

"You have two fathers? Like a stepfather and a real father or..."

"I have three fathers they took me in after my mother died, two of them are married actually,"

"Wow that's cool I've never heard about that before... I'm sure they're alright,"

"I hope so," And that's when they made it back to Y/S/N who was luckily still hidden in a place where she couldn't be seen.

"Y/S/N," Y/N called causing her to run out of hiding and right into her arms.

"I waz worrie," She cried into her legs gripping her tightly. "I hawrd somein,"

"We better get going then," Y/N murmured flinging back on her backpack and lifting up her sister into her arms.

"Who dis?" The young girl questioned pointing at Jack through a giggle. "He's dirty!"

"Hello, I am Jack," He explained doing the same waving motion with his hand as he did with Y/N. Only this time did Y/S/N grab his hand and forcefully shake it.

"Niwce to meat yous Smol Bean Jack,"

"It's just Jack-" He tried to explain only then she began to chant it through loud giggles.

"Y/S/N you have to be quiet until we get somewhere safe," Y/N scolded turning the young girl around in her arms.

"But... But smol bean Jack," She cried.

"Look he's still right here beside us and were going to help him out alright?"

"Yes! Becuz we help people!" She exclaimed through a toothy grin.

"Is that what you do during the apocalypse?" Jack asked through a grin suddenly glancing at the ground when he added. "That sounds like something my fathers would do,"

"You haven't seen them since the virus have you?"

"No, and I know they're out there,"

"Well good luck finding them Jack... I'm sure you'll find them soon,"

Suddenly they were to their destination, where Y/N and Y/S/N had been hiding out for the past few days. "Alright sit in that chair and I'll fix you up," Y/N ordered setting Y/S/N down onto the bed and putting her backpack onto the table where she began to rummage through it.

"Most people of the apocalypse are dicks as my father would say... So why the hell are you helping people?"

"Because humans are going extinct and I know that it is still good in this world,"

"Maybe..." He sighed never meeting her eyes. "So you're not going to hurt me?"

"Of course not, heck if I wanted to I would have done it already,"

"Makes sense," He murmured through a sigh taking his shirt off and turning his head away from the wound. "Let's just get this over with,"

"You don't have to scared Jack- here take these,"

"Painkillers?" He questioned downing them with the water she gave him aswell... He actually drank all of the water as if he hadn't had any the whole day.

"Yeah... Now let's get this over with," And soon after that a needle pierced his skin. 

SMOL BEAN JACK (Jack Kline X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now