Chapter 7 ~ Some scars don't fade

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Sam managed to wake up early yet again. Or at least early compared to Dean's standards, as Dean often told him whenever Sam went to wake him up- which by now, seemed to practically be Sam's job. It was odd, Sam sometimes thought, for him, the younger brother, to be waking his older brother up every morning instead of the other way around. But when had their lives been anything but unorthodox?

As of this particular morning, Sam had woken up at 6:40 am, and after getting himself ready, had decided to wake Dean up at 7:15 am. Dean had mumbled groggily when Sam knocked on his door. Sam opened the door and glanced into the room, seeing Dean still half-asleep underneath his blankets. Without a single word, Sam walked over and pulled the sheets off of him- earning a loud groan from Dean, who looked rather offended at being woken up.

"Sam, it's Saturday." Dean whined angrily, digging his face into his pillow. Sam tapped on the wall next to Dean's door, taking a moment to admire Dean's small assortment of posters. As he did so, Dean tugged his blanket back over himself and glanced at Sam. "Why are you waking me up so early on a Saturday?"

Sam's eyes flitted back to Dean before he shook his head with a small laugh. "Dean, I've been telling you that you need to get a calendar. It's friday." Sam walked over and tapped on his phone, showing Dean the date- Friday, the 15th.

Dean groaned loudly and shoved his face back into the pillow. "Goddammit. Why does it have to be a friday?? Why can't it just be saturday?!"

Sam gave a small chuckle as he watched Dean pull his pillow over his ears. Sam rested a hand on the pillow and tugged. "It's <i>also</i> french toast friday <i>and</i> pizza night friday, but I'm guessing you don't want that."

Dean almost instantly sprung up at the sound of french toast and pizza, causing Sam to whip his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing. Dean caught the small burst of contained laughter and fixed himself, hiding his excitement before yawning and patting his hair down.

Dean sighed as Sam stepped back, before he pulled his blanket off of himself, yawning. "Alright, I'll get up then."

Sam nodded and ducked out of his brother's room, closing the door politely. Sam then glanced briefly at his own closed, plain bedroom door before heading downstairs. He had already taken a shower, gotten dressed and fixed his hair. All that was left was for him to eat breakfast and pack up his school things into his backpack. Well, and to brush his teeth, but he figured he could do that <i>after</i> he ate breakfast, so as to not just clean them and then get food remnants on them.

As he descended the stairs, he got a view of the downstairs area. Arizona was napping lazily on the floor by the stairs, but jumped up when she heard footsteps and yelped at Sam. Sam's eyes widened and he laughed as his feet made contact with the floor. He then ran up to Arizona and ran his fingers through her fur as she yelped happily and nipped at his fingers playfully.

"Ari! Ari Ari!" He laughed, grinning madly at Arizona jumped around. "Good morning little girl!" Arizona barked happily, following Sam as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Mornin' son." Bobby spoke as Sam walked into the kitchen, a smile still on his face. Bobby turned and faced Sam, placing a plate of french toast in front of him. "Fixed breakfast for you and Dean. He up yet?"

"Think so." Sam replied, taking the plate in his hands. Plate in hand, he walked to the dining area, which was on the other side of the foyer. He placed his plate down in the middle of the table and then made his way back to the kitchen to grab some silverware, Arizona following him all the way. Bobby was still there, fiddling with the pancake maker. Sam grabbed some silverware from the drawers and glanced at Bobby. "I went in his room to try and wake him up a few minutes ago. I think he got up to get dressed by the time I walked out."

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