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"Here we are boys." Exclaimed Bobby gruffly, setting Dean's suitcase down on the pavement of the driveway that he had just pulled into. "This is your new home."

Dean unbuckled his seatbelt, tore the car door open and nearly fell onto the pavement, scrambling up to stare at the house. It was two stories, with a slightly decrepit look to it- some of the shutters had fallen off and a few tiles were missing- but it looked amazing nonetheless. It looked to be a light color- tan, most likely, but Dean couldn't fully tell from the shade of gray.

"We're gonna live here?" Asked Sam incredulously, staring at the house in awe as he stepped out of the car.

"You sure are." Bobby replied with slight traces of a smile on his lips as he scanned both boys excited faces. "This is gonna be your house, from now until whenever you two move out."

Sam laughed and ran towards the front door, Dean close in tow. Sam, of course, reached the front door first, and with the key Bobby had given him earlier, he quickly unlocked the front door and ran inside.

The house was completely empty- there wasn't any furniture, no trace of life or anything. No personalized touch anywhere. The realtor had told Bobby that the last inhabitants of the house moved out two years prior- and before they moved, they repainted the walls and removed everything.

However, Sam and Dean didn't seem to care- an empty house meant an opportunity to personalize the house- to make it their own. They had never had that opportunity before, as their family had never had enough money to get anything to decorate either of the boys rooms. But now, Bobby was taking care of them, and he had a stable enough income and enough money to get things to decorate their rooms. And man were Sam and Dean excited at the prospect of having their own rooms to personalize.

As soon as Bobby walked into the door with both Dean and Sam's suitcases in hand, Dean ran up to him as Sam ran upstairs. "When will the movers be here, Bobby?"

"Hm, I think about an hour, last time I checked."

"I call the master bedroom!" Yelled Sam from upstairs, breaking the moment.

"Hey! I want the master bedroom!" Dean yelled back, running up the stairs with fervor.

"Yeah well I call dibs!"

Bobby stood at the bottom of the stairs, laughing at how excited the two boys were with the house. For the past two years, they had mostly been living in motel rooms and Rufus's place- it was reasonable that the two boys were practically bouncing off the walls in joy at having their own house.

Bobby carried both suitcases up the carpeted wooden stairs in the foyer and up onto the carpeted second floor. Sam and Dean were both fighting over which room they got, as both of them wanted the upstairs master bedroom, which was the larger of the two upstairs bedrooms.

Eventually, Sam won the brotherly spat and claimed the master bedroom as his own, taking his suitcase from Bobby (before thanking him for carrying it upstairs) and setting it by the door. Dean grudgingly took the slightly smaller bedroom, but he soon came to like it when he saw he had a much better view of the backyard and pool than Sam did- and a view that was perfect for watching the sunrise. He too took his suitcase from Bobby, thanked him for carrying it upstairs and then set it near the door.

The two boys then took to walking around the house, exploring the three bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, two living rooms, the backyard, pool, and many other areas. The house wasn't particularly large, but it was a relatively new, modern house- having been built in 1986- and it was larger than their old house, so both brothers were perfectly happy with it. Plus, the backyard was actually pretty large, with a wrap-around fence and an open grassy area that led out to a very pretty lake.

The house also happened to be in a relatively large neighborhood, meaning both boys would have the opportunity of many potential new friends- and a park, which they had seen when they were driving to the house. Granted, the park was small and only had a few trees and a playground, but they were excited all the same.

About half an hour had passed when Dean finally tired of exploring the new house (for now). When he sat by the front door, Bobby yelled for Sam. Sam, who had been exploring the basement, ran towards Bobby's voice, eventually finding his way to the foyer.

"Alright you two, get in the car. Let's go look at the town."

And away they went.

Their new town was Sioux Falls, South Dakota- the place Bobby had once lived years prior, before moving to another state after the death of his wife. Bobby had decided to move both boys to his hometown, far away from their old hometown of Lawrence, Kansas. Neither of the boys had ever been to Sioux Falls, so neither of them knew much about it, other than what Bobby had told them- and they were excited to live there.

After driving around for a good fifteen minutes, Bobby eventually settled on taking both boys to get some lunch at a local Applebee's, a restaurant both Sam and Dean had always wanted to go to but had never gotten the chance- until now. And as soon as Bobby parked the car, both boys tore open the car doors and ran off towards the restaurant.

After the three of them all sat down and ordered their drinks and food- and got their drinks- Dean glanced out the window at some cars that drove by and some people that walked among the parking lot. As he stared out the window, he put his cheek against his hand and sighed, stirring his straw in his drink absentmindedly. "It's crazy to think that school is about five weeks away."

"Yeah." Murmured Sam in reply, glancing towards his brother and then to Bobby, who also briefly glanced towards Dean while taking a sip of his water.

"Ah well, no more moving around for you two." Bobby remarked. "Now you got a new, permanent school."

"And maybe one of us might find our soulmate in this town!" Sam cried in earnest, earning a laugh from Bobby.

"Yeah, maybe you will."

Welcome to my newest spn story, Color Me Lovestruck! After looking back at my first highschool au, I remembered how fun it was to write- so I decided to write a new one, but this time with a soulmate au thrown in! And so I present this story to you! I hope you'll enjoy my new story, the first official chapter should be up anywhere from early-mid June, depending on how much motivation I have to write this and how much initial feedback I get. Anyways, enjoy!

~ Liz

Color me lovestruck (Destiel/Sabriel AU)Where stories live. Discover now