Chapter 1 ~ First day

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There were many things Dean regretted in his life- not getting Sam that Harry Potter book for his tenth birthday, not turning that one science project in on time- but his latest regret was setting his morning alarm for 7 in the morning after staying up until 1 am.

When the alarm on his phone went off, it tore Dean out of his tender dream and into the harsh reality of morning. He fumbled for his phone, muttering to himself as his fingers finally clasped onto the small device and he frantically turned the wailing alarm off. With a huff, he rolled onto his back, stared at his ceiling and sighed.

His room was yet to be fully decorated- he surprisingly still had some unpacking to do- but he had a desk, a computer and the walls were painted. The paint can had said mahogany on it, but Dean couldn't tell if the can had been lying or not, as his room was still solid gray to him. Nevertheless, he just assumed it was mahogany and had painted his room with it.

Next door to him, Dean could hear the familiar sounds of Sam getting ready- the shuffle of his closet doors, the crumpling of clothes onto the floor, and the shuffling of shoes. Dean didn't have to guess Sam's next move, though; in a moment, Dean's door was swung open by a way-too-eager Sam.

"Good morning Dean! It's time to wake up, school starts at 8:30!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Dean groaned, rolling onto his belly before lifting his hand to flip Sam off. Sam cried out a familiar "Jerk!" before he closed Dean's door, drowning out the "Bitch!" that followed.

With a huff, Dean rolled over and closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep in. The world wasn't that kind, though, and Bobby was knocking on Dean's door in minutes.

"Dean! Get your butt up, you have school today!"

Dean groaned again in dismay, but ultimately sat up when Bobby nearly kicked his door in.

"Alright! Alright! I'm up!" Dean cried, holding his hands up in surrender. Bobby gave a small huff before shoving a shirt in Dean's face.

"Here. Wear this."

It was Dean's favorite plaid shirt, one that Bobby had washed specifically so Dean could wear it today.

"Thanks Bobby."

Bobby shook his hand. "Ah, don't thank me boy. Put that on and get ready so you aren't late for your first day. You still gotta get your schedule, don't forget."

Dean nodded. "Yeah, I know. First place Sam and I'll head will be the main office, if we can find it."

"I'm sure someone'll point you in the right direction."

Dean nodded, and Bobby closed the door behind him, leaving Dean to get ready for the day, which he did. Dean pulled on the plaid shirt and put a jacket on over it- his hand-me-down leather jacket, in fact, which was one of the only positive memories he had of his father.

After adorning a pair of jeans and his regular, everyday shoes, Dean finally emerged from his bedroom at 7:35 am.

Sam was already downstairs and eating breakfast- buttermilk waffles with syrup, expertly made by Bobby.

When Dean reached the table, he was greeted by Arizona- Sam's dog, whom they had adopted two weeks prior. She greeted Dean with a playful bark, and he gave her a quick pat on the head before sitting down. As soon as he did sit down, Bobby slid a plate of waffles his way, and Dean dug into them almost immediately.

As he savored the delicious taste of fluffy buttermilk waffles and homemade syrup, Sam finished his own plate and put it into the sink with a clatter before rinsing it off with water. Sam then got a drink and downed his morning pill- a pill prescribed to both Sam and Dean, to combat anxiety and stress. When Sam downed his, he took Dean's pill into his hand and handed it to Dean, who downed it as soon as he finished eating his own plate of waffles.

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