Wet Dreams: Thirty (haha 'Thirsty')

Start from the beginning

Walter sighed and rubbed his forehead. "What am I going to do with him? What should I do?"

"Turn him in, " Astro said simply with a shrug. "This stuff spread quickly, they're going to look through my search. It's best not to keep him around, you might get in trouble as well. But his surgery went well; got his tracker out just fine."

Astro was right. He couldn't get in trouble, not with Lance missing. He was already under a lot of stress. The only problem was talking with Brett about this.

"Would you like me to call someone to take care of it? While he's sleeping?" Astro said with a cough.

"No, no. I-i want to talk to him. . . What about the other stuff?" Walter asked.

"It's about (Y/N) (L/N). Now, her parents are criminals-- I tried looking up the parents and she could possibly be related to someone in our prisons? I'm not entirely sure though--just similar things. As far as I've heard, she hasn't killed a soul, may have injured a couple though. Surprising for a Hunter."

Walter placed his hands on his heart and let out a sigh of relief. His girl was safe now, as long as she was in his hands.

"But--" Astro began and sucked through his teeth. "I-i couldn't find her tracker."

Okay, that's it. Walter was going to cry again, for the fourth time today. It was one of the things he promised to do for her! Why did everything have to go wrong for him? He needs his therapist. . .  "What do you mean you can't find it?"

"I just couldn't. It's definitely there,  we just couldn't get to it. I'm sorry. I recommend you call Dr.Yami."

". . . It's fine. Thank you, Astro. For helping, " Walter said with a sad expression.

Astro nodded and shook his hand. "They should wake up in another thirty minutes or so," he said to him before walking off to another room.

Walter stood and thought for a few minutes. He then tucked the papers into his pockets, (Because thank God for man pants they can hold everything). And after that, he opened the door and walked himself back into the room.

Owen had falling asleep with his head on Brett's bed and sitting on a red chair. His sketchbook and pen laid on the floor, they must have dropped when he passed out. Walter picked them up, putting the pen and book on the desk next to the lamp and Angelina's charging phone. He knew Owen wouldn't want him to look through it, he still had to respect the guy even if he was a complete asshole.

He gave an exhausted huff and marched over to another red chair with a small white pillow. He took the pillow in his hands and sat on the cushioned chair. Walter screamed hard into it, the sound muffled, and after, he hugged his knees tightly and cuddled the small soft cushion.

The longer he stared and thought, the more saddened he got. Without Lance or Lovey or his other pigeon friends, he was simply lost. He acts like he knew what he was doing but he has no idea! He has been trying to act all high and mighty, just like Lance Sterling, but he couldn't keep this up. And he has only lost Lance for a few days!

Walter quietly took out the papers that Astro had given him and flipped through the pages. He had stopped when he got to (Y/N). How much he would give to just cuddle her.

He flipped to another and a picture was shown. It looked rather old; (Y/N) must have been about ten. Her parents were next to her as well, but Walter had to tilt his head, something seemed awfully familiar. One: the little girl. And two: the male.

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