Airport Friends: Twenty-Three

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(Y/N) watched as Walter nearly dropped his bags

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(Y/N) watched as Walter nearly dropped his bags.

There were two women; one had flaming curly red hair that was tied in a ponytail. She wore large glasses and a grey turtleneck shirt with a long lab coat over it. Her pale freckled skin complimented her eyes, she was also very slim.

The other had tan skin with very short dark brown hair; styled in a pixie cut. She looked about five inches taller than Walter was, and carried a heavy winter jacket. A fuzzy beanie covered the tips of her ears as well; (Y/N) assumed she traveled somewhere cold.

They walked over to Walter with a smile on their faces. (Y/N) wasn't sure who they were exactly; she hid behind Walter as they came closer.

"It's so good to see you again Beckett!" The lady with the short brown hair exclaimed. "You look really good! . . . Well- besides all the bruises."

"It's really nice to see you too! Wonderful to know the both of you are alright," Walter said.

"Dang! I mean holy shit --you've grown a lot, Beckett! To be honest, i almost didn't realize it was you. How long has it been?"

"A year and a couple of months I think, they didn't inform me you were leaving to do a mission in Antarctica, I never got to say goodbye. . ."

"Don't stress about it, It's Sterlings fault he forgot to say anything. Where is that bastard anyway?" She asked while looking around.

"That's something i would like to discuss about in private. . . Here is not the best place," Walter said with a depressed look on his face.

Both of them glanced at each other with confusion, then turning back to Walter, nodding; a stern nod.

"Is that your girlfriend Walter?" The redhead teased, mentioning to (Y/N) behind him.

"Oh, n-no, " Walter chuckled. "This is my friend (Y/N), She's---"

"A hunter!?" The redhead perked loudly, fixing her glasses as she stared at (Y/N). Her glasses must have the same X-ray vision as Walter's little eyeglass did.

"That is also something we should talk about in private, " Walter whispered to her, gesturing to lower her voice.

"(Y/N), this is Marcy Kappel and Eileen Gillan, " Walter said, pushing her back slightly towards the two. "Karen works in the lab at the agency, but she gets partnered often with other spies. Marcy is a certified spy herself, she's been here much longer than i have."

Marcy held her hand out to (Y/N), to which she nervously agreed to shake. Her grip was tight and strong; this was definitely a woman she didn't want to mess with. Eileen, however, was very hesitant to shake her hand, perhaps it was because she knew she was part of the Hunters group.

"They call me eyes, " Eileen smiled.

The closer (Y/N) got to Eileen the more she realized how tall she was; she looked sweet but she had to admit, her height was quite intimidating.

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