As she asked Margaret peeked behind the curtains next to the sideboard. Of course a Baron wouldn't normally be in such a place to begin with.

The Madam of the house made a small smile looking a little troubled.

"Milord has not yet returned from the office yet."

"Muu. I wanted to tell him about how Elliott was praising me."

"My my. Then how about you tell Mother first then? You could try practicing telling your story before you talk to Papa?"


With the sun setting at her back, Margaret walked into her house while casually talking with the Baron's wife. Meanwhile the carriage driver began preparations to put the carriage away as the maid closed the mansion's gate. In this small home of a baron, the peaceful air of a close family was everywhere.

Returning home after finishing all of his work, Baron Poisson asked the maid who met him at the door about his wife and daughter.

"Bennett, how are Anita and Margaret?"

The maid who was the same age as his daughter took the Baron's bags while giving him a military-like salute.

"The Madam and Lady are having a lively discussion together in the living room."


The Baron wanted to say something about the pose and overabundant respect that the maid showed him, but he wanted to see the faces of his wife and child even more than that.

The Baron peeked into the living room where his lovely wife and daughter were excitedly talking to each other.

"I pestering Elliott for a bracelet was a bad move after all!"

"That's right Margaret, you shouldn't do that anymore. You'll draw His Highness's ire even if he does favor you. His favor could easily wear away, and you might get a bad reputation as someone who is only after his wallet."

"I don't want that!"

The Mother gave a warm smile as her daughter nodded her head.

"That's right, you have to be smarter. You need to make his heart tremble a little when he sees you looking at it unhappily, but when His Highness asks if you want him to buy it for you, you have to give him an immediate rejection!"


"Your mouth has to say no, but the expression on your face will clearly show what you really want........that way, His Highness will see you as lovable and won't be able hold himself back from buying it for you as a present. You have to let the man sell you his favor! He pays tribute to you without you even having to ask, that's a first class technique!"

"I see! I will study more!"

Somehow, I feel like my wife and daughter are having a slightly scary conversation..........

Feeling uneasy about joining in with them, the Baron was hesitating at the living room entrance.

.......then, Madam Anita noticed his gaze.

"Well Milord, if you had come home then it would have been nice if you had said something!"

"R, right"

"I thoughtlessly got wrapped up in my conversation with Margaret and was unable to meet you at the door........"

"N, no, that's perfectly alright."

Standing up right away, the loving wife quickly made to start the cooking.

"Papa, welcome home~!"

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