Goodbye Jones

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Casey stood on the edge of the room watching the night sky twinkling with stars.

Tonight two stars will join the night sky

Casey thought to himself as he put his hockey mask on. He pulled out his phone and looked at the dot on the map and began to run to it.

Two hours earlier, Larota and Venus came back with no leads on their mysterious man. Ralph had gotten back with Leonardo who was shaken up. Apparently he somehow found out Karai's pregnancy.

"What are we going to do?" April asked worriedly.

"Well Don is going to track Alex's computer then we will track him down and take him down once and for all," Larota said in determination.

Casey walked over to Don and handed Don his phone before Casey said, "track it with my phone and I will send it to everyone else."

"Alright," Donnie said as he began typing and cracking codes.

After an hour everyone was geared up and ready, Don finished the tracker and Casey grabbed a cloth and held it over Don's mouth. Don squirmed and tried to scream but soon fainted and fell asleep. Casey then grabbed a herb Donnie had and walked over to the others. Casey used the herb and put everyone asleep except April who was outside. Casey walked up to her and kissed her gently.

"Casey, what is this for?" April asked as she stared into his eyes.

"This is the last time I will see your beautiful face red," Casey said as he slowly let her go.

"What? Why where are you going??" April questioned tears in her eyes.

"I am doing this for Leo and Karai," Casey said before he covered her mouth with the same cloth he covered Don's with.

April did not take long before fainting and Casey carried her inside so the neighbors would not be suspicious. Casey felt a tear slipped down his cheek before he left the gang... for one last time.

Casey kept running following the tracker he had on his phone and he eventually arrived to a warehouse.

"Very suspicious," Casey breathed.

Leo moved in his sleep before jolting up.

"What the hell?!" Leo questioned loudly.

Mikey woke up with a yawn, "what is it, bro?"

"That fool! He went to take on Alex alone..." April said as she held her crystal scared.

"We need to find him as soon as possible," Ralph said as he got up and made sure Donnie woke up.

Casey entered the warehouse and began to search, he remained hidden as for he did not know where Alex was. Casey heard screaming coming from the basement as he made his way to a secret door, he followed the screams down into the basement. All up and down the walls was cobwebs, torches, chains, and worse of all blood... Casey stayed very cautious of his surroundings as he looked around. Casey then saw Karai chained up in a cell, but Alex still nowhere to be found.

"Karai," Casey whispered.

"Casey? What are you doing here?" Karai whispered in annoyance.

"Listen earlier was all just an act so I could use you to find Alex... I place a tracker on you during our brawl so you could take me to him," Casey whispered.

"You used me?! You monster!" Karai whispered as she glared.

"Where is he so I can end this once and for all, once I am gone the others will come to save you," Casey whispered.

"But why? April needs you! Do not do this to her!" Karai whispered.

"I already have my mindset..." Casey said in determination.

"He is down the hallway..." Karai said as she put her head down.

The gang was all running following the tracker.

"Why is he such an idiot?!" Ralph yelled.

"I hope we are not too late," Leo said.

"Please be safe Casey..." April whispered.

Casey made his way down the hallway his hockey stick ready. Casey kicked the door down and stood there was his half brother Alex Jones...

"Alex..." Casey snarled.

"Casey," Alex said with an evil smirk.

"Hey do we have any plan or are we running into this blindly?" Larota asked as she stayed towards the front of the group.

"Well, first of all, we need to get there and help Casey if we are not too late," Venus said as she stayed near Leo's side.

Casey and Alex both fought hard, Casey jumped into the air and smacked his hockey stick down where Alex was but he dodged the attack. Alex kicked Casey into the side and into a wall. Casey got back up and charged at him. They kept fighting like this for thirty minutes. Casey breathed heavily, his broken hockey stick held in his hands.

"You can not beat me," Alex smirked.

"You can beat me, you can torture me, you can kill me, but you will never diminish my hope and faith I have in my friends, it is because of them I continue on. IT IS BECAUSE OF THEM I DID NOT DIE WITH CASSIDY. They have done so much for me, in return, I will take your life so Leo and Karai can live happily. Even if it is not together they will be free and happy with whoever they want," Casey said as he threw his broken hockey sticks to the ground.

"Oh how heart touching, but I frankly do not care," Alex said with an evil grin.

"And that makes you weak," Casey said weakly.

"What did you call me?!" Alex roared in anger.

"Oh did I pinch a nerve?" Casey asked.

"You will pay for that!" Alex yelled as he continuously punched Casey until he had him pinned against the wall.

Alex continued the punches and stopped for a second to breathe, his hands covered in blood. Casey had three broken ribs, bruises all over his chests and cuts.

"And now this is goodbye Jones," Alex said as he went in for the last punch.

"Indeed," Casey said as he hugged Alex.

Alex froze in shock before feeling a stabbing pain in his back... into his heart. Casey felt Alex's skin go cold as cold, wet, blood dripped down the blade and onto his hand. Casey dropped Alex to the ground before flailing into the wall and breathing a smile.

"I will see you soon... Cassidy," Casey whispered as everything went dark.

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