"Wha-? You d-don't need to apologize..." Mitch pat his back.

Jerry made a small noise from being caught in the hug seeing as he was spread across Mitch's chest.

Jordan kind of chuckled. "You're fine, Jer... And glad to see you awake, Mitch."

Mitch looked over at Jordan and pulled away from the hug, giving Jerry some room to move. "S-sorry for scaring you guys..."

Besides Jordan Tyler looked up, a look of concern still on his face.

Jordan shook his head. "Hey, I'm pretty sure most of us got beaten up by him so, no worries. We were mostly worried when you passed out."

"Hm... I did?" Mitch tilted his head to the side.

"Uh, yes? Don't scare me like that ever again dude!" Jerome exclaimed, pulling Mitch back into a hug. "I c-couldn't even imagine being without you..."

"I know, Biggums..."

Jordan smiled a little at the two before it faltered. "Thing is, we didn't beat him, he just... left. He could come back..."

Tyler nodded. "He knew it wasn't time to kill us yet..." He stared back at the ground.

Sqaishey shuddered at that. "And there's a time for that?" She asked, wrapping her arms around herself.

Jordan shrugged a little. "I mean, we're lucky it wasn't just now."

"Can't you see?!" Tyler's voice rose slightly. "He's hunting us for sport! He could have easily just killed all of us right now if he hadn't left!"

Jordan flinched back, eyes widening. "I-I-..." he looked down realizing he was right.

Sqaishey felt really sick and whimpered as she slid to the ground.

"Mitch should've been dead, but he purposefully hurt him so that it wasn't lethal! He enjoys watching us suffer!" Tyler yelled.

Mitch's eyes widened.

Jordan hesitated. "I... Well yes but... He would have killed him if Jerome didn't stop him..." He admitted.

"He would have just killed Jerome instead." Tyler argued.

"Okay! So maybe he's hunting us for support! What good does that do us?! It only stresses us out more!" Jordan argued. "If we are gonna get out of here, we gotta stay calm!"

"What good is staying calm!" Tyler cried. "Look at you! And look at Mitch! This was only our second time meeting him!"

"Staying calm means more of a chance of surviving maybe!" Jordan replied, agitated.

"I don't wanna die!" Tyler was crying now, tears streaming down his face. "I-I don't w-wanna die..."

"And we won't if we can try and keep calm, Tyler. We just have to keep moving as much as we can."

"I-I know... I just... Why us...? Why does he like to torment us?"

"Maybe cause we know Jason? He seemed angry when we mentioned him..."

Tyler nodded and wiped his face with his sleeve.

Jordan sighed and gestured. "Come here, Tyler..."

Tyler looked at Jordan before walking over and kneeling down beside him.

Jordan pulled him into a side hug. "We're gonna be okay."

Tyler sniffed and hugged him back, resting his head on his shoulder. "W-we're gonna be okay..." He repeated.

Sqaishey shifted. "If... If we can, we should get moving again..."

Jordan looked up at her then down at his side, humming softly.

"Need help? Looks like the bleeding has stopped..." Tyler stood up and offered Jordan his hand.

Jordan gave him a small smile and took his hand and stood up, hissing at the pain in his side from moving which alerted Jerry.

"N-No, no... I'm fine, Jerry. Mitch needs you more than I do right now."

Jerry seemed to pout a little but stayed put.

"You sure you're okay?" Tyler asked again, looking over him with concern.

Nearby Jerome stood up, picking up Mitch and putting him on his back again. Despite the fact that they were laughing now, they both looked exhausted.

"Y-Yeah... Just have to make sure not to reopen the wound..." Jordan kind of waved it off. "We should get going."

"Yeah, it's probably gonna get dark soon." Tyler nodded, he swung Jordan's arm around his shoulder to help support him.

"We should find a proper place to rest and wait the night out..."

Jerome nodded. "We can;t keep going on like this..." He yawned.

"Let's try to find a cave or something nearby." Jordan agreed.

"I guess we'll go this way then." Tyler led Jordan towards where he had told them to go earlier, this time having no beast to block their way. Jerome, still carrying Mitch, shortly followed.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now