|| Robert Manion x Reader ||

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"I hate dance rehearsals," You groaned, setting your bag down next to Jaime's.

"Me too, but I promise it gets easier," She smiled empathetically.

"I sure hope so," You sighed.

You scanned the room, your eyes stopping at Robert who was sipping water on the other side of the room. He had one hand resting across his stomach, clutching his shirt, and he was wearing a backwards cap like usual. He put his bottle down and caught you staring at him. He just smiled at you. You quickly looked away, finding someone to talk to.

"Okay! As you know, today is dance rehearsals so we'll only be learning and practicing dances. Get ready to be sore tomorrow!" Lauren announced, grinning.

"We're gonna first split you into different groups so we can get through these dances a quick as possible," James explained. They split you into different groups for the different numbers that you were in.

You were split into a group with Jeff, Joey, Robert, and Lauren, some of the best dancers in the cast.

"How torturous will this be on a scale of one to ten?" You whispered to Joey.

"Well... Lauren's teaching it so maybe 10," He joked. The look of horror on your face made his smile drop. "I was kidding! Dance rehearsals are pretty rough, but maybe a 6?"

"6 isn't that bad," You muttered.

"You'll be ok. I promise it's not that bad," You patted you on the back.

You just nodded in response.

You spent the first half of the lesson with Lauren learning the dance. You kind of fell behind, since dancing was not your strong point- it was definitely acting.

"Does everyone understand?" Lauren said out of breath, once she had done the entire routine on her own.

A few nodded, but you just stood there.

"Can I say no?" You stared at her blankly.

"Of course you can say no!" She gasped. "Robert? Can you help Y/N? I have to move on, I think everyone else has got it," She asked.

"Definitely, go ahead, we can go over it on our own," Rob nodded. Lauren gave him a thumbs up before rushing out of the room.

"I feel dumb," You laughed, blushing.

"Don't feel dumb! It's pretty tough," He admitted.

"But everyone else has got the routine down," You motioned to everyone else.

"But we've been doing this for a while. You're still new here. I'll help you," He assured you.

You smiled gratefully.

"So show me what you know," He put his hands on his hips.

"Really?" Your eyes widened.

"Yes really," He grinned.

"O-okay," You stammered. He began softly singing the song, to which you attempted to dance along. You didn't get far before you realised you didn't know anything else.

"That's all I know," You blushed.

"That's ok, we can start from there," You said.

He taught you the next step, you watching very attentively.

"Just step back, and push your arms out," He explained. You did as he said.

"Great- now just cross your your arms like this," He did the step, and you followed along.

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