|| Jon Matteson x Reader PT 2 ||

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"Probably not," You shrug. "He broke me, Rob. That shit is permanent," 

Robert just sighed in response, pulling you in for a hug.

"Aright? We ready to continue?" Nick calls. You whimper standing up, your legs almost giving in. You had no idea how you were going to do that show that night.

"I guess I am," You sulk.


"Okay this is like the 'kind of kiss' scene. Just warning you," Mariah whispers to you. You internally groan as you sit on the ground with a fake pole tied around your leg with a red cloth to symbolise blood.

You deliver your lines with the help of the script.

"But in case we don't... kiss me?" You say, looking at him. You study his features for the first time in years. Sure you'd seen him around, but you hadn't really noticed how much he'd physically changed.

"Okay?" He replies unsure.

You lean in as the script says so, though you don't read any further. Your lips are inches away.

"Woah woah woah okay," Jeff laughs.

"What?" You frown, looking at him.

"We don't actually kiss, that's why it's called the 'kind of kiss'?" Jon tells you.

"Right..." You roll your eyes, looking back at the script, now realising that you're supposed to pretend to cough up blood. You continue the scene as if nothing really happened, but Jon continued with a smug look on his face.


Finally, you were finished going through the entire musical. You pinch the bridge of your nose realising that you have to do that all again tonight in front of an audience. Squatting next to your bag, you take a gulp of water, retying your hair into a high ponytail. Jon stands next to you with one foot propped up against the wall. He's still smiling.

"What's your deal?" You almost yell.

"My deal? I don't have a deal," He retorts, looking right at you. "You were a bit eager back there,"

"Oh fuck off, alright?" You roll your eyes. "I was following the directions,"

"A select few of them,"

"What do you want from me," You crossed your arms, standing up to face him.

"I want you to admit you still like me," He grinned mischievously.

"Hell no. Not happening. In your dreams," You shook your head.

"Right. That's exactly why you called me the other week for no reason,"

"It wasn't for no reason," You stated. "It was to wish you luck for the show,"

"Right... But you won't talk to me for any other reason,"

"Trust me I didn't want to call you. I wished everyone a good luck," You blushed.

"I live with Jeff. (For the purpose of this one shot) Jeff didn't get any call," Jon scoffed.

"Really? I could've sworn-"

"Forget it. Good luck tonight," He chuckles, walking off, leaving you to sit in my thoughts.


"Wait wait wait. Rumour has it you still like him?" Jaime asks, popping chips into her mouth.

"Definitely not," You flushed a red colour, shaking your head. "I couldn't,"

"Uh huh," Jaime doesn't look at you, just continues to eat.

"I don't! He hurt me Jaime, I couldn't like him again," You insisted, folding your arms.

"Dude I sense crushes from a mile away. It's like a sixth sense!" She exclaims. "Ask anyone! Hey Joey!" Jaime calls. Joey walks over to us.

"How much of a love expert am I?" Jaime asks him.

"Dude she's a wizard. She knows everything about everyone, I swear. You should ask Lauren," He chuckles. "Why what's up?"

"Someone still likes Jon," Jaimes smiles.

"I don't!"

"You're easy. Even I can spot it, and I'm only an amateur," Joey nods. "Don't worry, we won't pry anymore," Joey puts a hand on your back.

"Yeah. Just focus on the show tonight," Jaime agrees.


Once you're pulled off the stage and the applause is only faint, you're showered in hugs.

"You were the greatest hero today," Robert held you longer than anyone else.

"I still can't believe you did this," Mariah grabbed your hand.

"I still can't believe I did it either," You caught your breath.

"Time for Nick to embarrass the shit out of you," Corey laughs.

"Before we let you guys go, I just want to invite Y/N back to the stage. She was truly a hero today." He says as you walk out on stage. "Once again, I'm so sorry Lauren couldn't be here to do the show, but we're so grateful to have Y/N take the spot for tonight, and I so glad you were all so accepting of them tonight. But hey, at least I didn't have to fill in for Lauren," He laughs, and you laugh with him. "Please give it up for Y/N!" He exclaims as you take a quick bow, before jogging off stage.

You make your way to the dressing rooms where everyone else is.

"You were great," You hear a voice.

"Thanks," You say, not able to recognise the voice or see the face.

"Are you ready to admit it now?" You recognise who it is now.

"Ugh, leave me alone," You groan.

"Come on. It's obvious. You're a dead giveaway," He chuckles.

"In your dreams, man," You turn away, though he grabs your arm and spins you back to face him. You can see him clearly now. He's dangerously close. He takes this opportunity to place his lips on yours gently. You feel the strong urge to push him off and make a run for it, but you can't find the strength. So you kiss back. It brings all of the memories back. But not the bad ones. The good ones. The ones you definitely missed. He lets go of your arm as you wrap your arms around his neck as he places his hands just at your waist.

"Yeah, what about now?" He chuckles as you pull away.

"I actually hate you," You say, though I'm grinning.

"I'm definitely taking that as a yes," he chuckles.

You turn away, walking into the dressing rooms.

"I called it. What can I say, I'm the love wizard," Jaime announces, so everyone can hear.

"Ooooooo," You hear Joey tease.

"Yeah yeah whatever," You brush them off.

a) I hate this ending. b) I'm sorry about this one, for making Jon seem like somewhat of a dick. I promise I'll make a better one another time :)))

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