"Yes, sir" Robert laughs and they disappear.

It took them a few hours to get everything ready. Most of the time I stood there watching them getting together. I enjoyed watching them laughing and doing things together. Later Alex joined us for lunch and we had a great time. Dad complimented Robert on his fast learning abilities and we spent a lot of time talking about the baby and how is everything going to work out. Alex shared his enthusiasm about Iron Man and Robert showed him some videos he has. There were no fights, no misunderstandings, no bad blood between them. They even accepted Robert's polite apology about revealing the news about the pregnancy.

After lunch we went upstairs to my bedroom to have some time for ourselves. Robert looked around the room and saw the framed pictures from when I was little. He took one in his hand and looked at me smiling.

"Look at you! You were the cutest"

"Thank you" I say and put the picture back in its place.

"So, what do you want to do tonight? I'm all yours"

"Let's just go for a walk. No one knows we're here, I don't think we'll have a problem"

"Okay, sure"

We stayed there for a few more hours until it was time to go out. We walked around the places we used to when we were here. It was fun remembering the things we did in New York and the places we visited. At some point we were walking hand in hand and laughing when someone stopped us.

"You're Allyson West!" he says surprised.

"Yes, I am" I say smiling.

"Can I have a photo with you?"


"Mr. Downey, could you please take a photo of us?" he asks giving Robert his phone and he nods.

After he takes a few photos the guy goes over to take his phone back and thanks us. We start walking again but I suddenly feel someone touching my butt. I realise it's not Robert and I see the guy walking away quickly.

"Oh my God" I say shocked.

"What is it?" Robert asks worried.

"He just grabbed my ass" I say disgusted and Robert clenches his jaw.

"Hey, as*hole" he shouts and looks at the guy but he starts running.

Robert lets go of my hand and runs behind him. I can see this is not going to end up well and I start running as well wanting to stop Robert. He eventually catches him and they start arguing about something I can't hear. Just before I reach them I see Robert punching him and I scream at him to stop. I go over and pull Robert away from the guy who's on the floor and I stand in front of him to stop him from attacking him again.

"Are you crazy?" I yell at him.

"I swear I'll kill him" he hisses but I stop him again.

"Calm down, people are starting to look at us" I say calmly looking in his eyes.

He's breathing heavily and I can feel the anger coming out of his eyes. He slowly relaxes and we hear sirens coming closer to us. The guy is holding his bleeding nose and Robert just curses to himself.

"What is going on here?" a police officer asks.

"He attacked me!" the guy says pointing at Robert.

We both look at him both feeling angry and the same police officer offers him some help.

"Only because he assaulted her!" Robert says with an offensive tone.

"It's true" I say and Robert holds me close to him, making me feel safe.

"We need you to come with us to the station" the officer says and Robert curses again.

"You should arrest him, I did nothing wrong" Robert defends himself.

"Say that to my broken nose" he replies still holding his nose.

"That's enough. Both of you inside" the officer says and points at the car.

"Let's talk about this" Robert starts saying to get out of this situation.

I just stay there shocked not knowing what to say or do.

"Mr. Downey, please get inside before it gets any worse" he says seriously.

Robert gives me an apologetic look and before he can say anything the officer pulls him inside the car.

"Can I come with you, please?" I ask the officer.

"This is a police car not a taxi. I'm sorry but we have rules. You can come at the station if you want to press charges" he replies and I sigh.

I can hear Robert yelling that he's sorry from inside the car as they drive away. Thankfully people didn't understand what was going on so I was alone there in the middle of the street. I sigh desperately and hide my face inside my hands. What a night this is going to be.

The Making Of A Legend (Leaked Sequel/RDJ FanFic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora