Chapter 7: The Call

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"No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart."

Fitzgerald F. Scott, The Great Gatsby


It was one of those times when one wondered how they had come to be involved in something that was very unlikely for them to be associated with, knowing one's habits and general behavior. Take Mon-El for example. He was the leader of the Legion of Superheroes. Experienced, skilled, intelligent and above all, very reserved. So, it was unheard of him to be in the middle of a bar fight with a giant alien of an unknown species, punching and kicking in burning rage. Therefore, even Mon-El himself wondered what actions had brought him to this moment as his eyes briefly connected with Winn's alarmed ones who was crouched behind an overturned table in a corner, watching Mon-El ducking from a giant fist.


The drunken crowd cheered with their spilling mugs held high.


Mon-El and Winn came over to this Dive Bar to loosen up a bit after having a really tiring day, full of dead ends. Come to think of it, the whole past year had been nothing but dead ends. Whatever plans they made to trap Brainiac, he always seemed to be many steps ahead of them.

Sadly, having a drink didn't turn out to be as relaxing as Mon-El had hoped when one of the men sitting at the counter not far from him, kept grabbing at the waitress every time the poor girl passed by to fetch orders or empty cups and plates and no matter how she expressed her discomfort whether with words or gestures, the thug never stopped and kept harassing her. The third time this happened, Mon-El banged his beer bottle on the table and raised his voice over the loud music to call him out.

"HEY! Stop touching the lady, you ass! Don't you get how inappropriate that is?" He said.

The guy whipped his head towards Mon-El with a stupid grin plastered on his face, already intrigued by this challenge. The whole place grew quiet instantly, every eye and ear turned to them.

"And who're YOU telling me wha's appropriate?" The man slurred boldly.

Mon-El was in civilian clothes, so he raised his right hand, on which he was wearing the Legion ring to show that scum just who he was talking to. Mon-El was already on edge, under the stress from all the mission failures and lost or injured Legion members, not to mention his eagerness to be done with all this and return to Kara sooner. He really wasn't having a good day and this man was quite literally stumping his nerves.

"Ugh, it's you," The guy spat in his direction in disgust. "You privileged superpowered assholes who think they own the galaxy!"

Mon-El started counting to ten in his mind, trying to calm himself down.

"So, which one are you?" The bulky bald alien asked in mockery. "The one who turns into a rat? Or the one who shoots lightning out of his ass?"

Mon-El felt his jaw clenching so hard that his gritting teeth were at the breaking point. "Neither. I'm the one who's gonna kick your ass if you don't shut up!" Mon-El fisted his right hand and landed it on the table with a thud.

excited chatters from all around the bar could be heard.

"Dude, that's the Legion leader!"

"That's the Daxamite who saved the Earth!"

"... Mon-El! He saved my cousin Lory on Beltair!"

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