Chapter 15: Silent Tears

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Previously on The Red Shadow:

Kara, still struggling to find peace with Red Daughter's dark memories, finds out that Red Daughter has been alive inside her all along. Between blackouts, stolen jewelry, and the government pursuing Supergirl, Kara has no time to figure things out when the army kidnaps her and takes her to a new Cadmus facility.

While unconscious, Kara finds Red Daughter and together they learn about the possibility of Mikhail being still alive.

Brainy contacts the Legion, seeking Mon-El and Winn's help to save both Kara and Alex, to which they instantly respond. The rescue mission for Kara goes sideways when they find the place collapsing due to Kara's supernova solar flare, induced by Black Kryptonite injected into her.

The team seeks refuge on Argo, where Kara slowly heals while learning how Lena Luthor has betrayed her, but upon remembering her last moments at Cadmus, she falls ill from a terrible panic attack, remembering how her out of control heat vision has killed some people.


"People disappeared, reappeared, made plans to go somewhere, and then lost each other, searched for each other, found each other a few feet away."

Fitzgerald F. Scott, The Great Gatsby


"I'm so sorry..."

A remorseful voice penetrated the continuous dreamless state of her stupor. A voice she knew by heart because it belonged to herself. With recognition thoughts and senses materialized as a response to her newly awakening consciousness. Her somber downcast face morphed into existence as the background brightened into a grey scenery of tall evergreen trees as though someone had switched on the lights.

Once again she was standing in front of Red Daughter, in the only place she had known as home. "What are you sorry for?" Kara asked or rather thought but it echoed as though spoken.

"I wanted to protect your mind against the truth, the bitter truth," Red Daughter balled her hands.

"The truth never hurts as much as secrets."

"I know that now," She nodded and finally raised her head to meet Kara's eyes. "I just wanted to carry the burden for you. You shouldn't blame yourself for their deaths. You didn't mean it and they were the ones hurting you," She argued.

"That doesn't change the truth. No one deserves that fate, no matter what they did."

"I'm starting to understand your perspective better now, but I hate to feel your pain. It's as if my own, even worse," Red Daughter hugged herself with a shiver that had nothing to do with the ambient temperature. They weren't in the material world after all. They were merely two minds at conjunction and everything around them, including their bodies, were merely a projection of their comprehension and processing information.

"Same as I hate feeling your pain," Kara smiled at Red Daughter. "It's alright. You don't have to take this burden."

"Then at least let me share it with you," She insisted and Kara sensed that she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Alright, but know that you don't have to take my memories like that."

"I'll try not to intervene without your permission from now on."

"How does this work now?" Kara motioned between them. "How can I even talk to you? Why can't this happen when I'm awake and only when I'm asleep?"

"I'm not entirely sure either but ever since you have woken up, I've been feeling stronger and more awake."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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