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ya'll knew this was coming and here it is!

Karina's dress, brides maid dresses, and how everything looked is above!

warning 4k+ words ahead

"Alright, breathe Karina."

Karina looked at Alice like she was crazy as she paced the floor, "Breathe? Alice the wedding is ruined!"

"Let's not think like that yet." Alice told her calmly while placing her hands on the girls shoulders. "I'm sure that Rosalie is nearly here."

Karina nodded her head and finally sat down, "You're right. It's not like I waited two years for this day. I can totally be late." Karina shook her head, "Not!"

Today was Karina and Jasper's wedding day, they wanted to wait until Elijah had reached full maturity before they had their wedding, but Karina wanted to invite Angela and Jessica, so that's why they were having it today.

Karina has always wanted a Halloween themed wedding, but Alice was quick to shut down that idea, instead Alice convinced Karina to go with a more elegant setting because well, it wasn't like Karina didn't have the money for it.

Elijah and Renesmee now looked like semi-adults, in the past two years, they only continued to grow and while they looked like they could be 19, they were really only two years old.

When it came to their imprints, Leah had finally done the change, now forever stuck at the age of 20. Not that she minded, after Karina helped her with the hunger for the first few months, Leah finally got the hang out it.

However, with Jacob, that was a different story.

They soon learned that Renesmee could not produce venom and while it worried the girl, Jacob was more than content with aging. He didn't want to be a hybrid like Leah and Javier were, he was more than okay with staying a werewolf. While, that didn't sit well with Renesmee, she understood that it was Jacob's choice to make.

"Alright!" Karina sighed in relief, "I'm here!" Rosalie then burst into the room, her hair curled to perfection and in her hands was Karina's large wedding dress. "There was so much traffic getting here."

"I would get angry, but I need to be in that dress five minutes ago." Karina rushed out as she discarded her robe before quickly and with the help of Alice and Rosalie, got dressed.

Once the large dress was on, Karina looked at herself in the mirror and smiled softly. Alice had helped her pick out the dress before the two worked on picking out bridesmaid dresses.

The dress was the easy part, but Karina couldn't find a single dress that she liked for her bridesmaids to wear. Finally, she settled on a pink dress, while indeed it was simple, it was still very much Karina's style.

"Knock, knock." Karina smiled at the sound of her mother's soft voice. "The Groom is freaking out and thinking Karina has run off again." Karina winced softly at this while Alice and Rosalie laughed.

A year ago, Karina and Jasper would have already been married but Karina had a slight episode when the bridesmaid dresses were missing, and she ran off to find them on her own. Two hours later, a sheepish Leah admits to finding them in her car since she was in charge of them in the first place.

It was a mess but an amusing one that Karina's friends never failed to remind her of.

"As much as I love you guys laughing at me, I'm already late." Karina stressed and they all immediately stopped laughing when Karina's eyes flashed red.

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